
News  Codeword July 2022

The latest edition of the Building, Engineering and Trade Inspections Division's newsletter
  • Board of Building Regulations and Standards

Dear Friends,

The Office of Public Safety and Inspections, under the Division of Licensure,  is pleased to present this issue of “Codeword.” In it we discuss what the “normal procedure” is when a Construction Supervisor’s License is suspended or revoked.  We also look at Locking Mechanisms in E Use Groups in time for school inspections.

Please feel free to share Codeword with colleagues, friends, licensees, and stakeholders not currently on the Division’s distribution list.  We also welcome your input regarding future content.  Email your comments or suggestions to  or directly to our State Building Inspector and Codeword Coordinator, Brianna Skowyra at

Richard Baldacci Chief of Inspections
Office of Public Safety, Building, Engineering, and Trade Inspections
Division of Occupational Licensure
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1000 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02118

  • Board of Building Regulations and Standards 

    The Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) monitors Massachusetts building codes and construction supervisor licensing. The Board also licenses concrete testing labs and technicians, approves manufactured buildings and related inspection procedures, approves native lumber producers, and certifies municipal building inspectors.
  • Help Us Improve  with your feedback

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