Press Release

Press Release  Falmouth Press Release

For immediate release:
  • Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office

Media Contact   for Falmouth Press Release

Tara Miltimore, Media Relations/Assistant District Attorney

Cape and Islands DistrictA recent case has received a great deal of erroneous and reckless media coverage.  A father of a juvenile charged in Falmouth District Court was investigated by the Falmouth Police regarding his conduct in the investigation.  As a result, the Falmouth Police applied for a criminal complaint in the Falmouth District Court on 10-7-20.  From court documents it appears the clerk magistrate issued the complaint on 10-13-20 and scheduled the defendant’s arraignment for 12-8-20. 

Since it appears the media is ignorant regarding the criminal process let me explain.  When a person is not arrested on a criminal offense, they are entitled to a private hearing before a Clerk Magistrate.  At such a hearing, the Clerk Magistrate’s primary role is to determine whether probable cause exists to issue the criminal complaint.  Generally speaking, the District Attorney’s Office plays no role in this process and did not in this case.  The police department, by and through its “police prosecutor” (an employee of the police department bringing the charges and with no affiliation with the District Attorney’s Office) present their case to the Magistrate.   The accused may challenge the evidence against them by way of cross examination or by presenting their own evidence.   If the Clerk determines there is probable cause to issue the complaint, then the matter is scheduled for arraignment.  At that time the District Attorney’s Office prosecutes the case. 

However, prior to the 12-8-20 arraignment, court records further indicate that the putative defendant’s attorney requested a magistrates hearing.   A magistrates hearing was scheduled and held on 12-22-20. The complaint did not issue. 

 On 1-25-21, the Falmouth Police filed a new application for complaint. That complaint issued without hearing. The matter is scheduled for arraignment on 3-9-21.

Questions as to why the Falmouth District Court denied a complaint on 12-22-20 and issued a complaint on 1-25-21,  should be directed to the Falmouth District Court not the District Attorney’s Office as the District Attorney’s Office was not involved in any of those proceedings. 

District Attorney O’Keefe said, “The media and letter writers would be well advised to ascertain the facts before misinforming the public.”  





Media Contact   for Falmouth Press Release

  • Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office 

    Thank you for visiting the website for the Cape & Islands District Attorney's Office. It has been my distinct pleasure to serve the people of the Cape & Islands as District Attorney since January, 2003. Our Office prosecutes over 15,000 criminal cases every year. The dedicated and professional prosecutors and support staff members who work in this Office are here to serve the public, and seek justice in an aggressive and fair manner on behalf of the victims of crime. We see ourselves as problem-solvers, not merely as case-processors. Again, thank you for visiting our website. If you have any concerns, not addressed here, or need to contact us, please feel free to call at (508) 362-8113.

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