
News  Healey-Driscoll Administration Requests Federal Funding for $3.5 Million of Stockbridge Road Improvements to Reduce Wildlife Collisions

If awarded funds will go towards new drainage infrastructure to improve wildlife connectivity and reduce drainage clogging for the roadway over Kampoosa Brook
  • Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  • Federal Funds & Infrastructure Office

StockbridgeThe Healey-Driscoll Administration announced it has submitted a federal grant application for an infrastructure improvement project to reduce vehicle collisions with wildlife on a section of Route 7 that travels over Kampoosa Brook in Stockbridge. The project costs $3.5 million in total and involves a request for $2.8 million in federal money made available by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, combined with $629,700 of state funds.  

The funding will go towards replacing an undersized and clog-prone drainage system with larger infrastructure that will reduce the risk of clogging and potential for failure, allow for the safe under-road passage of wildlife including spotted turtles and North American river otters, and improve hydrology to benefit 19 state-listed rare species. 

“Replacing the Kampoosa Brook drainage infrastructure will reduce risks and improve the long-term climate resiliency of Route 7,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Gina Fiandaca. “These improvements are part of MassDOT’s work statewide to enhance roadway reliability while prioritizing the long-term sustainability of our state's ecosystems.” 

“The Kampoosa Brook wildlife crossing is an important part of the Commonwealth’s efforts to deliver federal money for our communities,” said Director of Federal Funds & Infrastructure Quentin Palfrey. “These projects further our work to channel resources from the federal government to advance effective, equitable, and climate friendly infrastructure improvements across Massachusetts.” 

The grant application is part of the US Department of Transportation’s Wildlife Crossings Program, and the project is contingent on the agency’s decision of grant awardees in the coming months. If federal funding is approved, the design process could start in early 2024 with construction beginning as soon as summer of 2026.  

  • Massachusetts Department of Transportation 

    Our mission is to deliver excellent customer service to people traveling in the Commonwealth by providing transportation infrastructure which is safe, reliable, robust and resilient. We work to provide a transportation system which can strengthen the state’s economy and improve the quality of life for all.
  • Federal Funds & Infrastructure Office 

    The Federal Funds & Infrastructure Office is the lead agency within the Healey-Driscoll Administration tasked with implementing a whole of government approach to ensuring the Commonwealth of Massachusetts can leverage the historic opportunities available for federal funding.
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