
News  Important Changes to the Disability Parking Placard Laws

OIG investigations have led to increased protections against the misuse of disabled persons' parking placards. Changes include increased fines, new civil penalties, new criminal penalties, and additional enforcement and oversight measures.
  • Office of the Inspector General

Protecting Against Abuse of Disability Parking Placards: Flyer Available

We encourage you to circulate the flyer pictured here and to post it in appropriate areas to help increase the awareness of the laws surrounding the abuse of parking placards. The flyer is available to print on 8.5" x 11" and 11" x 17" paper.

Disability parking placard flier from the Parking Abuse Task Force
Disability parking placard flier from the Parking Abuse Task Force

The Placard Abuse Task Force created this flyer. The Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) created the Placard Abuse Task Force to address issues surrounding placard abuse. The Placard Abuse Task Force is committed to increasing enforcement of the current law, amending state law to increase the penalties for placard abuse and tightening administrative controls to prevent and detect abuse more effectively.

The Placard Abuse Task Force is comprised of representatives from the RMV, Massachusetts Office on Disability, Office of the Inspector General, State Police, City of Boston’s Office of the Parking Clerk, Boston Commission for Persons with Disabilities, Boston Police Department, Burlington Police Department and Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

Additional Resources   for Important Changes to the Disability Parking Placard Laws

  • Office of the Inspector General 

    The Office of the Inspector General is an independent agency that promotes good government by preventing and detecting the misuse of public funds and public property. The Office conducts confidential investigations, improves transparency in government, helps government run more effectively and educates government employees and the public.
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