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News  Leominster Probation Officer II finds helpful ways to keep probationers on track during the pandemic

Probation Officers across the state are meeting the challenges of COVID-19 by developing new ways to supervise probationers in the community.
  • Massachusetts Probation Service

Media Contact   for Leominster Probation Officer II finds helpful ways to keep probationers on track during the pandemic

Coria Holland, Communications Director

Leominster District Court Probation Officer II Heather Rocheford Flavin works remotely
Leominster District Court Probation Officer II Heather Rocheford Flavin

The impact of COVID-19 is challenging the way Probation Officers interact with probationers and perform their jobs. Probation Officers across the state, many working remotely, are meeting these challenges by developing new ways to supervise probationers in the community, resulting in “a new normal” for everyone involved.

Leominster District Court Probation Officer II Heather Rocheford Flavin supervises 24-year-old John H as low-risk need and to help him remain on track during the pandemic, she asked him to create a Relapse Prevention Plan. John H, who is scheduled to wrap up his probation this summer, welcomed the opportunity and devised a plan which includes: attending AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), participating in sober home events and staying connected to the sober community, and asking for help when struggling. See full plan.  

Rocheford Flavin said she uses the Relapse Prevention Plan (RPP), which she describes as a “great cognitive exercise,” and generates it into the PICA (Probationer’s Individual Change Agreement) when substance abuse is an issue. 

“I use the RPP as positive reinforcement of their good progress. If a person relapses, we can go back to it (plan). I have a copy and they also have one,” she said. 

John H’s efforts during an unpredictable time like the pandemic have made her proud, Rocheford Flavin said. 

“He really is working his program to the fullest and is so grateful for what he has. It shows that he is humble. He has done a lot of work. He knows how important it is to stay on the right track,” said the 23-year Probation employee who plans to retire in September. 

Rocheford Flavin said John H is “keeping things green.’” This is a term that is used to describe those who are in recovery.

She also credits Probation Officer Steve Sliwoski at Woburn District and Assistant Chief Probation Officer Aaron Mitchell at Lowell District courts for their previous work with John H. Leominster District Chief Probation Officer Edward P. Sullivan described the case and the collaboration as a positive example of working during COVID-19. 

“This case like so many highlights the importance of working together with other Probation Departments--in this instance Woburn and Lowell District Courts. PO's working with and building a strong rapport with our Probationers has never been so important or relative as it is today with the many challenges probationers face. It is wonderful when PO's are able to have a positive relationship that gives the probationer another resource and connection to the community, ” Sullivan said. 

John H said he prefers what he also refers to as “the new normal.” 

“Although it is nice to meet face to face, a phone call is a lot easier. Sometimes, I just have simple questions. When I go in, I have to take time off from work which tough. The plan is also very helpful. It’s nice to see those things on paper which I am supposed to be living everyday. But, in life, it all gets blended in together. Sit down, read it, and refresh it in my mind, to bring me back to the basics as to why I do this and why this works,” he said. 

John H added, “Every day is a gift. No one knows what’s going to happen and what the next day will entail. You make the best of what you have and what you worked for.” 

Media Contact   for Leominster Probation Officer II finds helpful ways to keep probationers on track during the pandemic

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