- Massachusetts Department of Revenue
Friday, August 1, 2008
Robert R. Bliss
New information explaining the Small Business Sales Tax Exemption for energy on DOR homepage
Are you a small business owner looking for a little tax relief?
In an effort to alert entrepreneurs and small business owners to the Small Business Sales Tax Exemption for energy, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue has developed a short informational video explaining the program.
"This tax exemption could save a small business anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on energy use. But it is important for small business owners to know that they have to take it upon themselves to seek this exemption with a timely application," said DOR Commissioner Navjeet K. Bal.
"The new video on DOR's home page ( www.mass.gov/dor) is a creative way to get the word out on the availability of this exemption at a time when everyone's energy costs are going up," she said.
Many Massachusetts small business owners - those with five or fewer employees and gross income less than $1 million - qualify for the sales tax exemption on their energy purchases. The types of energy eligible include electricity, gas, heating fuel and steam.
Small business owners seeking the exemption must file Form ST-13. Additional information about the sales tax and other exempt items can be found in the Department's Guide to Sales and Use Tax.