
News  Notice of Openings on the Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services

The deadline to apply is September 27, 2024.
  • Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

The Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court invite applications for appointment to the Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services. The Committee currently expects to have multiple  positions open for appointment. Membership terms ordinarily run for three years, with the possibility of reappointment for a second term. 

The Justices seek volunteer applicants from diverse backgrounds across the Commonwealth who are willing to devote their time and energy to improving the justice system and who have demonstrated a commitment to and experience in assisting persons unable to afford legal counsel for their essential civil legal needs. Candidates who applied in prior years may reapply.

The Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services works to support and promote volunteer legal work to assist people of limited means who need legal representation. The Committee presents the annual Adams Pro Bono Publico Awards to honor Massachusetts lawyers, law students, law firms, and legal organizations that have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to providing pro bono services for the benefit of individuals of limited means. The Committee also administers the Pro Bono Honor Roll; engages with law schools, bar associations, and other community organizations to promote pro bono legal work; and considers rule changes and other initiatives to facilitate pro bono practice by attorneys and law students.

Applicants should submit a résumé and a letter describing their experience and interest in serving on the Committee by Friday, September 27, 2024, to Chip Phinney, Chief Counsel for Judicial Policy at the Supreme Judicial Court, preferably by email to, or by mail to Chip Phinney, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, One Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108.

  • Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court 

    The Supreme Judicial Court is the Commonwealth's highest appellate court.
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