
News  Shorebirds are on the move!

Head to the shoreline this summer to see shorebirds migrating south, but please keep your distance.
  • MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
  • Division of Fisheries and Wildlife

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Media Contact, MassWildlife

Semipalmated sandpipers on the shoreline

Head to your local beaches, mudflats, and marshes to witness the fall shorebird migration! The migration began in July but peaks in August when thousands of shorebirds pass through Massachusetts on their way south for the winter. The beaches and marshes of Newbury, Duxbury, Plymouth, Chatham, and Wellfleet are among the best places to see large flocks of shorebirds. But don’t fret; smaller groups often settle on muddy inland shores as well!

Shorebirds have long, spindly legs, allowing them to wade in shallow water, where they feed on invertebrates living in the sand and mud. Although they look delicate, shorebirds are incredibly tough. Most of our shorebirds nest on the tundra in northern Canada and Alaska, where there are few predators and plenty of insects to eat during the summer months. Shorebirds have a brief window of opportunity to lay their eggs and raise their young in such harsh environments before quickly heading to warmer regions for the winter. In some species, the adults depart their nesting grounds first, leaving young birds to navigate on their own.

A few species of shorebirds overwinter in New England despite the cold. Most venture further to the South Atlantic, Gulf Coast, Caribbean, or South America. Some, like semipalmated sandpipers, can make the trip from Canada or New England to South America in just a few days! Before they start the journey, semipalmated sandpipers gain fat—up to double their bodywieght—to sustain themselves during non-stop flights that span thousands of miles. 

As shorebirds tend to gather in large flocks—sometimes by the hundreds or thousands—they are fairly easy to locate and observe during migration. Watch from a distance as they scamper along the tideline, yank worms out of the mud, or huddle together in a stiff breeze. Although challenging to identify, more than twenty species of shorebirds regularly feed and rest along the coast of Massachusetts. Common species include black-bellied plover, dunlin, least sandpiper (the smallest shorebird in the world), semipalmated sandpiper, and semipalmated plover. Red knots and piping plovers, both of which are threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act, also migrate through Massachusetts.

Shorebirds face numerous challenges during both nesting and migration, including habitat loss and disturbance. Disturbing or displacing birds, chasing them, or forcing them to fly wastes valuable energy needed for their arduous migration. You can best help shorebirds by observing from a distance and leashing your pets on the beach, allowing the birds to rest and feed and thereby increasing their chances of survival.

Media Contact   for Shorebirds are on the move!

  • MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program 

    The Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program is responsible for the conservation and protection of hundreds of species that are not hunted, fished, trapped, or commercially harvested in the state, as well as the protection of the natural communities that make up their habitats.
  • Division of Fisheries and Wildlife 

    MassWildlife is responsible for the conservation of freshwater fish and wildlife in the Commonwealth, including endangered plants and animals. MassWildlife restores, protects, and manages land for wildlife to thrive and for people to enjoy.
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