Blog Post

Blog Post  Uplifting Returning Individuals for Rewarding Careers

  • Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
Construction worker

This National Workforce Development Month, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) is recognizing the contributions of workforce professionals and programs that support jobseekers and employers. National Workforce Development Month serves as a reminder of the power of educational and vocational training, which not only empowers individuals to reach their full potential, but also drives economic competitiveness. Massachusetts’ workforce development programs work toward closing equity gaps experienced by the unemployed and underemployed. In collaboration with Commonwealth Corporation (Comm Corp), we’re committed to ensuring that Massachusetts businesses have access to a pipeline of highly skilled workers. Follow along this Workforce Development Month as we spotlight different tools in the state’s toolbox.

This week we are highlighting one of Comm Corp’s Senior Program Managers, Ester Ovalle, and the Re-Entry Workforce Development Demonstration Program.

Senior Program Manager, Ester Ovalle Headshot

What do you do at Commonwealth Corporation?

My name is Ester Ovalle, and I am the Re-Entry Senior Program Manager at Commonwealth Corporation. As a Latina woman, I am passionate about serving justice-impacted minority populations. In my role, I wear many hats, including crafting grant contracts and providing technical assistance to ensure grantees are meeting their performance objectives and achieving employment goals with individuals enrolled in their program.

My daily mission centers around fostering equitable partnerships, supporting effective program implementation aimed at reducing the barriers formerly incardinated individuals face re-entering the workforce, and working through grant management to enhance the impact of our Re-Entry Workforce Development Demonstration Program (Re-Entry Program). It's a privilege to begin each day with a commitment to making a difference in the lives of those we serve by supporting dedicated organizations who embrace our mission for upward mobility through meaningful employment for all residents.

Can you tell us more about the Re-Entry Workforce Development Demonstration Program?

The Re-Entry Program aim improve workforce outcomes among individuals returning to their communities after incarceration. Through this grant, the grantees and their partners receive the support to continue creating a statewide network of industry-focused sector-based training programs with expertise in serving this population so that no matter what region of Massachusetts a returning citizen is released into, there will be re-entry support.

What target population does this program serve?

Eligible target populations are:

  • Individuals in a Department of Correction facility who will be released within 60 days of a program start date or individuals who were released no earlier than 12 months prior to enrolling in a program or a combination or both.
  • Individuals in a House of Corrections facility who will be released within 60 days of a program start date or individuals who were released no earlier than 12 months prior to enrolling in a program or a combination or both.

How do you measure efficacy of the program?

In order to determine whether a program was successful, each program must include a list of occupations and career pathways program individuals may enter. Employment outcomes are measured once the individual has been retained for 30 days. The 30-day job retention mark must be met before the grant ends.

How do programs determine the specific industries and occupations they will train and place participants into?

Re-Entry does not define a set of specific industries and occupations allowable for funding. The lead applicant organization must provide data that demonstrates a current or projected labor shortage within the identified industry of focus and occupations they will place program graduates. This results in improved job access and financial stability for these individuals and their families while meeting employer demand for talent.

How does the Re-entry Program empower Massachusetts jobseekers leaving incarceration and entering the workforce?

There is a growing body of research demonstrating that jobseekers benefit from starting at a higher wage and by participating in programs that provide information and coaching on career development beyond the first entry-level job. This is especially true for re-entry individuals, who often experience workforce-related barriers when reintegrating back into our communities after incarceration. Through these training programs, they collect the tools needed to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.


Learn more about the Re-Entry program on Commonwealth Corporation’s website:  

  • Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development  

    The mission of EOLWD is to create, operate and oversee effective and innovative statewide services to: protect worker rights, health, safety, wages and working conditions; insure against job-related injury; provide individuals and families with economic stability following job loss or injury and illness; level the playing field for responsible employers; develop a pipeline of skilled workers for current, emerging and future employers; and, maintain labor harmony between employees, employers, and labor unions.
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