The Seaport Economic Council helps coastal communities develop and improve local assets to facilitate economic growth. The Seaport Council serves all 78 of Massachusetts’ diverse coastal communities and helps each to use their unique economic assets to grow the economy and unlock job creation. The Council also awards grants to create jobs and build resilience to climate change.
Seaport Economic Council
Board Members
- Chair, Kimberley Driscoll, Lieutenant Governor
- Vice Chair, Ashley Stolba, Undersecretary of Economic Foundations, Executive Office of Economic Development
- Secretary of Administration and Finance – Assistant Secretary Mark Fine
- Secretary of Transportation – Undersecretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt
- Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs – Undersecretary for Environment Stephanie Cooper
- Office of Coastal Zone Management – Lisa Berry Engler, CZM Director
- City of Boston – Richard E. McGuinness, Deputy Director for Climate Change and Environmental Planning
- City of Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan
- City of Gloucester Mayor Greg Verga
- City of New Bedford Mayor Jonathan P. Mitchell
- City of Salem Mayor Dominick Pangallo
- Northeast Region Coastal Community Representative – Michael Collins PE, Commissioner of Public Services & Engineering
- Bristol, Dukes, Nantucket Counties Coastal Community Representative – Vacant
- Plymouth, Barnstable Counties Coastal Community Representative – Elizabeth B. Simmons, LP.D, CAPT, Vice President of External Affairs
- Suffolk and Norfolk Counties Coastal Community Representative – Mayor Thomas P. Koch, City of Quincy
- Trade Assoc. Seat 1 – Vacant
- Trade Assoc. Seat 2 – Murray Scudder, Passenger Vessel Association, VP/Operations Hyline Cruises
- Trade Assoc. Seat 3 – Edward Barrett, President, Massachusetts Fishermen’s Partnershi
Upcoming Events
No upcoming events scheduled