Pediatric Asthma and Diabetes Surveillance

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) distributes an annual pediatric asthma and diabetes survey to school nurses to collect data from all public, private, and charter schools in Massachusetts serving children in grades K-8.

Asthma is a chronic disease that most commonly starts during childhood. In Massachusetts, the prevalence of pediatric asthma is higher than the national average. Beginning in 2002 and continuing through the present, the MDPH has tracked the occurrence of pediatric asthma through school health records in students in kindergarten through 8th grade. The collection of pediatric diabetes data began in 2008 due to resident concerns of pediatric diabetes prevalence in specific cities and towns.

Asthma is a mandatorily reportable disease in Massachusetts per 105 CMR 300.192: “Surveillance of Diseases Possibly Linked to Environmental Exposures.” This annual survey is important so MDPH can track the prevalence of asthma and diabetes in children aged 5-14 years old. The accuracy of MDPH’s work depends on the contribution of all schools in Massachusetts.

The survey collects the number of students in each school with asthma and/or diabetes (type 1 and type 2) by the student’s city/town of residence. Additional information collected includes grade, gender identity, race and ethnicity.

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