Policy Statement

Policy Statement  Siphonic Roof Drain Systems

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Siphonic Roof Drain Systems

(enacted 10-29-2008)

The Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters ("Board ") voted today to adopt the following policy guidelines. These policy guidelines are intended to streamline the process by which the Board reviews and approves siphonic roof drain Systems installed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


To expedite the approval of siphonic roof drain systems while maintaining the highest standards for consumer safety.


At its regularly scheduled Board meeting on October 29, 2007, the Board of State Examiners of Plumbers and Gas Fitters voted to adopt the following policy and to delegate its authority as follows:

  1. A  Massachusetts licensed professional engineer is, per 248 CMR, responsible for the design of the symphonic roof drainage system.
  2. As part of the design process, the Massachusetts licensed professional engineer shall be responsible for assuring that the piping installation, including pipe sizing, dimension, and other aspects, meet the requirements for proper functioning as designed. 

The Local or State plumbing Inspector shall be responsible for all other aspects of the installation, as required by 248 CMR but is under no obligation to approve or otherwise involve themselves in the design process or ensuring the System meets the design specifications. 

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