Earmarks from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) spending bill

View a list of earmarks included in the ARPA appropriations bill enacted in December 2021.

On December 13, 2021, Governor Baker signed a $4 billion spending plan to support recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Of this spending, $2.55 billion comes from the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund, and $1.45 billion in surplus funds comes from the Traditional Escrow Fund. This legislation includes $347 million earmarked to specific programs, projects, or organizations. See an itemized list of those earmarks, including the amount and purpose, below.

For Recipients of Earmarks:

  1. Fill out the Earmark Contact Collection Form.
  2. Identify the agency contact for your earmark below, by scrolling through the list or by searching by description or by earmark language.
  3. Email the completed form to the identified agency contact.
  4. Once the agency has the contact information, they will reach out to the vendor to obtain additional financial details. In most cases, funding will be dispersed to recipients within 16 weeks of receiving complete financial information.

The full list of earmarks can be exported via the link below the table. Click the right arrow below the table to view the list in map view.

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