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Past MET Grant Awards

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Fiscal Year 2022

Center for Coastal Studies has been awarded $29,205 to identify locations frequented by North Atlantic right whales and to target management actions in those locations.

Clean River Project has been awarded $30,000 to remove debris from the Merrimack River in Dracut, including propane tanks, televisions, shopping carts, bicycles, and furniture.

Coonamessett Farm Foundation has been awarded $29,732 to increase our understanding of sea turtle health and distribution by conducting eDNA tests to determine sea turtle presence and range in local southeastern waters, as well as to identify regions of increased heavy metal contaminants.

Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF)/Center for Coastal Studies has been provided $200,000 for continued support of the Massachusetts Large Whale and Sea Turtle Conservation Program, an intensive effort to protect, restore and manage large whale and sea turtle species found in surrounding Massachusetts state waters. The program’s integrated approach combines monitoring and analysis of the population and habitat of approximately 400 surviving North Atlantic right whales, in addition to hands-on and at-sea rescues of right whales, as well as other endangered marine species including humpback whales, fin whales, and sea turtles. Funding also supports emergency surface and aerial surveillance of Cape Cod Bay, vessel-based habitat studies, plankton monitoring (a primary food source for whales), whale beaching investigations including rescue and rehabilitation, marine debris removal, ship strike avoidance techniques and for research targeted for the design and implementation of harmless fishing gear.

Fort River Watershed Association has been awarded $8,100 to design and install interpretive signage on the riparian ecology, endangered species, and human history of the Fort River, on the Emily Dickinson Trail in Amherst, along the Fort River.

Lobster Foundation of MA has been awarded $40,000 to develop and conduct training for Massachusetts Lobstermen in the use and application of gear restrictions and buoy line marking measures to protect the North Atlantic right whale.

Merrimack River Watershed Council has been awarded $30,000 to support removal of the Talbot Mills Dam, including initial stage permitting and establishment of a pre-removal monitoring and restoration guide. Removal is estimated to open 35 miles of the river to critical diadromous aquatic species.

Nashua River Watershed Association has been awarded $23,608 to support design work for the improvement of the Trapfall Brook culvert.  This project will restore riverine hydrology, increase habitat connectivity for fish and wildlife species, including a reproducing population of Eastern Brook Trout, within the Trapfall Brook/Willard Brook/Squannacook River watershed.

Ocean Alliance has been awarded $29,950 to collect data pertinent to the conservation and management of large whales, including the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale by collecting photogrammetry (for studying body condition/general health), respiratory samples for microbiome analysis (an indicator of whale health), and bioacoustics as part of a collaborative long-term project that will contribute to studies on the impact of chronic noise pollution on large whales.

The Nature Conservancy has been awarded $50,000 to continue to restore cold-water stream habitat on the 1643-acre Mt. Plantain Preserve in Mt. Washington, MA, through removal of the Becker Pond Dam and restoration of aquatic and hydrologic connectivity.

University of Mass Foundation, Inc has been awarded $24,726 to use photo-identification techniques to describe harbor and gray seal habitat use and residency time in Boston Harbor, to better understand long-term trends for this population.

Fiscal Year 2021

Associated Scientists (Woods Hole) - $5,000 was awarded for the publication of Right Whale News, a quarterly newsletter distributed electronically to enhance informed participation in efforts to conserve and recover the North Atlantic right whale and its habitats. 

Association to Preserve Cape Cod - $49,812 was awarded for evaluating and monitoring the effects of harmful cyanobacteria blooms that threaten the health of aquatic ecosystems and at-risk fish (river herring) and public health and to motivate action to address the causes of water quality degradation and resulting cyanoHAB. 

Center for Coastal Studies - $34,431 was awarded for assessing humpback whale entanglement rates through long-term systematic sampling and image analysis protocols to reliably detect and study entanglement injuries on humpback whales and to analyze data collected since 2011 to evaluate change in entanglement rates in relation to recent management actions and to create a formal observer network to track such injuries in the future.  This project is a collaborative effort with other NGOs and commercial whale watch companies that collect data off the coast of Massachusetts and in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. 

Charles River Watershed Association - $11,120 was awarded to restore the wetland health of the Charles River and improve water quality in a critical coldwater fishery resource waterway in the area of the North Valley Storage Area, including assessment of riparian vegetation to ensure a high quality streamflow in Dix Brook for improved climate resilience. 

Clean River Project - $25,000 was awarded to remove hazardous materials from the Merrimack and Neponset Rivers including floating trees, abandoned homeless encampments and abandoned vehicles. 

Connecticut River Conservancy - $11,250 was awarded for a pilot community science sampling and analysis program to begin to understand the issue of microplastics in our waters. The project will have multiple opportunities for public outreach and engagement, as well as expansion within the watershed and to other watersheds in Massachusetts. Plastic debris in aquatic environments is a contaminant of emerging concern and this study will help to understand the presence, composition, or sources of microplastics in Massachusetts rivers. The Trust is excited to partner with the Conservation Law Foundation to provide support for this project. 

Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF)/Center for Coastal Studies - $200,000 was awarded for continued support of the Massachusetts Large Whale and Sea Turtle Conservation Program, an intensive effort to protect, restore and manage large whale and sea turtle species found in surrounding Massachusetts state waters. The program’s integrated approach combines monitoring and analysis of the population and habitat of approximately 400 surviving North Atlantic right whales, with hands-on, at-sea rescues of right whales, as well as other endangered marine species, among them humpback whales, fin whales, and leatherback sea turtles. MET has and continues to invest millions of dollars to organizations working to protect marine life for emergency surface and aerial surveillance of Cape Cod Bay, vessel-based habitat studies, plankton monitoring (a primary food source for whales), whale beaching investigations as well as rescue and rehabilitation, marine debris removal, ship strike avoidance techniques and for research and development programs for the design and implementation of harmless fishing gear. 

International Fund for Animal Welfare - $49,000 was awarded to expand large whale response capacity and to perform exams and necropsies on dead, stranded large whales and for further refinement of remote sedation techniques to understand how entanglements are threatening North Atlantic right whales and other large whales and how we may address the issue of entanglement to save a species.  Additionally, this project will support the safety of expert responders working tirelessly to ensure large whales survive and thrive in Massachusetts’ waters. 

Mass Audubon Society - $30,000 was awarded to restore native wetland and floodplain forest vegetation along a 0.4-mile reach of West Beaver Dam Brook to provide coldwater stream habitat for Eastern Brook Trout on Mass Audubon's Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Plymouth, and to share the knowledge and expertise gained from this project with professional and public audiences and engage and educate the community through media outlets and advocacy, outreach, and volunteer programs. 

Nashua River Watershed Association - $16,000 was awarded to improve coldwater stream climate change refuia mapping and protection and exchange of data and ideas in the Nashua River Watershed and to collect necessary water temperature data to assess temperature variation in Coldwater Fish Resource (CFR) headwater streams in the Squannacook River subwatershed and other CFR streams directly adjacent to the Nashua River. 

Nashoba Conservation Trust - $4,000 was awarded to conduct a preliminary evaluation for the removal of a concrete dam and replacement of two failing culverts on Gulf Brook, a coldwater fishery. The study will provide the foundation of knowledge needed to move the project forward, with a goal to protect and restore habitat for fish and other coldwater species, improve water quality, and enhance the ecosystem of Gulf Brook. 

New England Aquarium - $40,000 was awarded for continuation of a pilot project to increase its sample size of disentangled turtles and to capture a representative spectrum of leatherback injuries associated with vertical line entanglements to build the sample size that is necessary for accurate post-release mortality determinations and improved veterinary assessment and management of injured turtles. This work is done collaboratively with members of the Atlantic Large Whale and Sea Turtle Disentanglement Network to collect health data from entangled turtles off Massachusetts. 

The Nature Conservancy - $17,320 was awarded for initial tasks necessary for removal of a failing dam and restoration of aquatic and hydrologic connectivity at Becker Pond towards restoring coldwater stream habitat on its 1643-acre Mt. Plantain Preserve in Mt. Washington. MassWildlife has recorded over 70 brook trout of multiple age classes within a 100- meter stretch of the brook but the dam blocks access to upstream habitat. The site is part of the Schenob Brook Area of Critical Environmental Concern. 

Town of Marshfield - $10,000 was awarded for final design, permitting and construction bid documents as part of the Veterans Memorial Park and South River Improvement Project to reconnect the South River and improve fish passage by removing the existing dam and enhance public awareness of the South River and its wildlife. The South River is home to multiple species with special status and significance and has been documented as spawning and nursery habitat for seven diadromous fish species including Alewife, Blueback herring, American shad, American eel and Sea lamprey.  The removal of the dam is a Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) priority project. 

Town of Wellfleet - $38,320 was awarded to design two improved stream crossings on the upper Herring River that currently limit estuarine habitat continuity for river herring and many other aquatic animals between Cape Cod Bay, the river main stem, and its headwater freshwater ponds. The project is complementary to the larger effort to restore tidal flow to the 1000-acre lower Herring River estuary and marshes. 

Trout Unlimited - $38,000 was awarded for the final year of this three-year project to model the collective ecological benefits of dam removal statewide to promote future dam removal and to increase the quality and resilience of stream ecosystems.  The project involves extensive pre-removal data on temperature, dissolved oxygen, and macroinvertebrates at 12 dam removal sites across Massachusetts to quantify water quality, macroinvertebrate, and fish responses to dam removal.  This is a collaborative project with UMass, the Division of Ecological Restoration, and MassWildlife to add additional sites for a broader assessment of fish responses. 

Fiscal Year 2020

Association to Preserve Cape Cod, Inc.- $45,000 - State of the Waters Cape Cod: Year Two

Berkshire Environmental Action Team - $29,218 - Stormwater Surveying and Sampling in Adams and North Adams

Buzzards Bay Coalition - $50,000 - Mattapoisett River Bogs: Stream & Wetland Restoration

Friends of Herring River, Wellfleet/Truro, Inc. - $2,000 - Restoration of Fish Passage in the Upper Herring River, Wellfleet, MA

Friends of the Malden River - $9,805 - Trash Reduction on the Malden River

Green Roots, Inc. - $29,500 - Pollution Prevention Through Paint: Storm Drain Murals to protest the Lower Mystic River Watershed

Lobster Foundation of MA - $50,000 - Whale Safer 1700 lb. Red Rope

Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, Inc. - $14,750 - Concord River Anadromous Fish Restoration Project

Nashua River Watershed Association, Inc. - $15,000 - Engineering Designs to Improve Stormwater Management on Gravel Roads in Ashby and throughout the Commonwealth

Neponset River Watershed Association - $20,000 - Traphole Brook Restoration Project

North and South Rivers Watershed Association - $20,000 - Third Herring Brook Restoration - Peterson Pond Dam Removal

Ocean Alliance - $15,675 - Drones in support of Large Whale Disentanglement

Salem Sound 2000, Inc. - $12,261 - North Shore Salt Marshes Revisited

Town of Falmouth - $50,000 - Coonamessett Greenway Heritage Trail: Interpretive Signs along the Coonamessett River (Falmouth, MA)

Trout Unlimited, Inc. - $23,000 - Restoring Aquatic Habitats Through Dam removal - Year 2

University of MA/Umass Foundation, Inc. - $24,453           - Boston Harbor Island Seal Surveys: identifying seasonality, important island habitat and species composition

Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Inc. - $27,850 - New England Whale Festival

Worcester EcoTarium - $33,00 - EcoTarium Stormwater Management Planning


Total Awards:  $471,512


Fiscal Year 2019

Associated Scientists at Woods Hole $6,000 - Right Whale News - 2 years

Association to Preserve Cape Cod  $50,000 - State of the Waters:  Cape Cod

Berkshire Environmental Action Team $35,000 - Regionalized Method of Surveying and Sampling Storm Water Outfalls in Berkshire County 

Blackstone River Coalition $25,000 - Campaign for a Fishable/Swimmable

Blackstone River, Phase 2 - Tackling Stormwater in the Blackstone River Watershed to Protect Cold Water Fishery Streams

Buzzards Bay Coalition - $17,500 - Building Community Awareness with Bay Health Signs

Clean River Project, Inc. - $30,000 - Merrimack River Restoration

Connecticut River Watershed, dba Connecticut River Conservancy - $30,000 - Restoration of the Endangered Freshwater Mussel, Brook Floater, in the Connecticut River Watershed - Year 3

Coonamessett Farm Foundation, Inc. - $17,060 - Nearshore habitat utilization by sea turtles within MA waters

Housatonic Valley Association - $13,529 - Housatonic River Southwest Branch Restoration

Ipswich River Watershed Association - $43,160 - Implementing a Tidal Stream Crossing Assessment Protocol in MA

Mystic River Watershed Association - $25,000 - Municipal Phosphorus Education Project

Nashua River Watershed Association - $24,282 - Culvert Planning and Maintenance:  Communities & Volunteers Working Together to Improve Flood Resiliency Land Aquatic Habitat

The Sporting Safety, Conservation and Education Fund of Falmouth, Inc. - $59,810 - Upper Childs River Restoration

Trout Unlimited, Inc. - $45,043 - Restoring Aquatic Habitats through Dam Removal

New England Aquarium - $64,316 - Health assessment and post-release monitoring of leatherback turtles in the northwestern Atlantic after fisheries gear disentanglement

Total Awarded            $532,396


Fiscal Year 2018

American Turtle Observatory, Inc. - to evaluate the effects of habitat and wetland change on four long-lived, freshwater turtle species of conservation concern in Massachusetts - $40,000

Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown) – to identify and quantify anthropogenic sources of coastal nitrogen using stable isotopes - $37,484 

Connecticut River Watershed Council - Restoration of the endangered freshwater mussel, Brook Floater, in the Connecticut River - $40,000

Green Roots, Inc. (Chelsea) - to identify the root cause of the high bacterial counts found in water quality testing results and develop a plan to rectify the water quality impacts and improve habitat on the upland banks for the Mill Creek - $25,000

Lloyd Center for Environmental Education, Inc. (Dartmouth) - Climate Science Learning Project: an interactive elementary school science-teaching model that empowers students to make original scientific discoveries through hands-on fieldwork - $20,000

Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions - Buffer Zones Protecting Wetlands - $35,000

Mystic River Watershed Association - Mystic River Watershed Phosphorus Reduction Project: for a final season of water quality testing necessary to complete a plan to address nutrient pollution in the Mystic River watershed Year Three Sampling - $20,000

North and South Rivers Watershed Association (Norwell) - to document, scientifically monitor, and tell the story of the physical and biological response of the Third Herring Brook river system after the Tack Factory Dam was removed - $28,500

OARS, Inc. - Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River Report Card: Engaging People with Science - $25,000

Sea Run Brook Trout Coalition Corp. - Fresh Brook hydrodynamics study to evaluate key factors necessary to restore tidal exchange and fish passage to Fresh Brook, South Wellfleet - $25,000

Town of Duxbury - Temple Street Dam Hydrology and Hydraulics Study - $10,000 

Town of Ipswich - Ipswich Mills Dam Removal Feasibility Study - $25,000

Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea To advance the restoration of Central Pond and the Sawmill Brook stream channel.to permitting level design - $41,885

Trout Unlimited, Inc. Kinne Brook Habitat Restoration Project: to remove two impassable instream barriers and reopen access to 30+ miles of interconnected coldwater habitat - $38,600

University of Mass – Amherst - to develop a unique tool that allows the determination of the source, nature, and sustainability of ground and surface water using stable isotopes of water - $94,375

Fiscal Year 2017

American Rivers (Northampton) - for the Hamant Brook Dam Removal and River Restoration - $38,750.00

Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen's Alliance (Chatham) - for the Aquaculture and Clean Water: Experiential Education to Create the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards -$10,000.00

Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown) - to study the fate of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Oyster Tissue: Biomagnification or Depuration - $36,365.00

Clean River Project (Methuen) - for the Merrimack River Vehicle Recovery Project -$40,000.00

Connecticut River Watershed Council (Greenfield) - for the Restoration of the Endangered Freshwater Mussel, Brook Floater, in the Connecticut River - $40,512.00

Harwich Conservation Trust (Harwich) - for the Ecological Restoration of the Robert F. Smith Cold Brook Preserve - $40,000.00

Lloyd Center for the Environment (Dartmouth) - to implement the Climate Science Learning Project - $20,000.00

Massachusetts Audubon Society (Worcester) - for the demonstration of Improving Water Quality and Habitat with Cost-Effective Green Infrastructure and LID - $25,900.00

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (Buzzards Bay) - for the Buzzards Bay Benthic Mapping Project - $40,000.00

Nashua River Watershed Association (Groton) - for Habitat Connectivity and Paddling Improvements in the Squannacook River Subwatershed - $19,350.00

South Shore Lobster Fisherman's Association (Sandwich) - to implement Thoughtful solutions to mitigate the frequency and severity of North Atlantic Right Whale entanglements in an environment where both the commercial lobster fishery and the Right Whale may co-exist - $19,000

Fiscal Year 2016

Berkshire Environmental Action Team, Inc. (Pittsfield) - to develop a program for training citizen scientists to survey stormwater outfalls during dry weather conditions. - $35,682

Buzzards Bay Coalition (Wareham) - to restore tidal exchange in the Weweantic River in Wareham. - $45,000

Cardinal Cushing Centers (Hanover) - to remove Tack Factory Pond dam on Third Herring Brook system. This is the second of three dams to be removed on the river. - $40,000

Friends of Herring River (Wellfleet) - for rare species monitoring associated with the Herring River Restoration Project. - $40,000

Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (Belmont) - to create a free online, on-demand orientation course for brand new conservation commissioners. - $30,000

Massachusetts Maritime Academy (Bourne) - to map benthic habitats in Buzzards Bay. - $40,000

Mystic River Watershed Association (Arlington) - to develop a flagging system in the Mystic River watershed to alert recreational users to safe or unsafe water quality conditions. - $60,405

Neponset River Watershed Association (Milton) - to remove two small dams and modify a third to benefit native brook trout populations. - $20,000

Parker River Clean Water Association (Boxford) - for head-starting and research on state-listed Blanding's Turtles in the upper Parker River. - $44,000

Sheriff's Meadow Foundation (Chilmark) - to restore a section of the Mill Brook impeded by an earthen berm and two undersized, improperly sited culverts. - $40,000

Three Bays Preservation Inc. (Barnstable) - to quantify benefits of oyster aquaculture on nitrogen-related estuary water quality. - $25,481

Town of Falmouth - to remove Lower Bog Dam on the Coonamessett River and begin active restoration of the 17 acre Lower Bog. - $60,000

Fiscal Year 2015

Clean River Project, Inc. (Methuen) – $25,000 to remove large debris such as automobiles and tires from the Merrimack River.

Charles River Watershed Association (Weston) – $34,000 to improve Charles River water quality testing and public notification.

Housatonic Valley Association (Lee) – $15,911 to design and install stormwater vegetative buffers to reduce roadway runoff into Churchill Brook in Pittsfield.

Ipswich River Watershed Association (Ipswich) – $30,000 to support the engineering/design phase of the removal of the South Middleton Dam on the Ipswich River.

MassAudubon (Lincoln) – $50,000 to develop a sustainable management plan for the Horseshoe Crab harvest in Wellfleet.

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown) – $45,000 to investigate if pharmaceuticals from wastewater are bioaccumulating in marine plants and animals.

Save the Bay (Providence, RI) – $49,374 to install a fishway at the Draka Dam on the Three Mile River in Taunton.

Silent Spring Institute (Newton) – $40,000 to investigate how perfluorinated chemicals leach from consumer products into domestic wastewater and the Cape Cod Aquifer.

Town of Amherst – $36,100 to study the contamination of Fearing Brook, and to develop and begin to implement remedial strategies to improve the water quality of the brook.

Town of Great Barrington – $30,000 to study water quality in Lake Mansfield.

Town of Plymouth – $38,854 to comprehensively track overall water quality during one summer in 35 Great Ponds.

Trout Unlimited, Southeast Massachusetts Chapter - $20,000 to support fish passage and ecological restoration at Century Bog in Wareham.

Westport River Watershed Association – $15,000 to identify sources of fecal coliform pollution in the West Branch of the Westport River.

Fiscal Year 2014

Association to Preserve Cape Cod (Barnstable) $80,000 to conduct a study of the effect of sea level rise on Cape Cod’s Monomoy and Sagamore groundwater lenses.

City of Fall River $50,000 to remove the Rattlesnake Brook Dam (a.k.a. Bleachery Dam) in Freetown.

Conservation Law Foundation (Boston) $40,000 to provide fish consumption information and warnings for the lower Mystic River.

Deerfield River Watershed Association (Greenfield) $24,896 to conduct a comprehensive ecological assessment of the Deerfield River.

Friends of Herring River (Wellfleet) $50,000 to perform preliminary engineering design and opinion of construction cost for replacement of the Chequesset Neck Road dike and culvert in Wellfleet as part of an 800-acre estuary restoration.

Nashua River Watershed Association (Groton) $35,173 to partner with law enforcement and medical providers to encourage proper disposal of pharmaceuticals.

The Nature Conservancy (Taunton) $50,000 towards the removal of the West Britannia dam in Taunton. This is the third of three dams to be removed on the Mill River.

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown) $46,500 to continue and expand a water quality testing and monitoring program for Nantucket Sound, including testing for pharmaceutical compounds.

Silent Spring Institute (Newton) $50,000 to estimate inputs of emerging contaminants, including hormones, pharmaceuticals and consumer product chemicals, to the Cape Cod aquifer and evaluate how these inputs would change under proposed alternative wastewater scenarios.

South Shore YMCA (Hanover) $50,000 to remove a failed dam on Third Herring Brook in Hanover and restore a portion of the river.

Town of Falmouth – $55,000 for engineering and plans to remove Lower Bog Dam, restore a portion of the Coonamesset River and restore 17 acres of abutting land.

Town of Oak Bluffs $50,000 for engineering and permitting for an improved opening between Farm Pond and Nantucket Sound. The larger opening will improve water quality and enhance shellfish beds.

Fiscal Year 2013

Blackstone River Coalition (Worcester) – $17,500 to launch the Worcester Storm (water) Chasers – an outreach campaign to reduce stormwater volume and pollutants discharging to Worcester waterways and increase groundwater recharge.

Center for Ecosystem Restoration (Andover) – $50,000 to complete permitting and final engineering for removal of the Balmoral and Marland Place Dams on the Shawsheen River.

Groundwork Lawrence (Lawrence) – $35,000 to restore instream habitat along the Spicket River.

Housatonic Valley Association (Lee) – $36,393 to conduct an assessment project to monitor and analyze the health of the watershed.

Ipswich River Watershed Association (Ipswich) – $25,850 to perform an inventory, mapping, summary and preliminary analysis of road-stream crossings in the watersheds of the Parker, Ipswich and Essex Rivers to assess aquatic habitat connectivity.

Jones River Watershed Association (Kingston) – $40,152 to conduct preliminary design for anadromous fish passage from the Jones River into Silver Lake. Forge Pond Dam remains as the only structural obstacle to anadromous fish accessing the high quality spawning habitat of Silver Lake.

Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust (Lowell) – $10,000 to establish a new school-based water resources education program with the Daley Middle School.

Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (Belmont) – $70,000 to perform a comprehensive review and update of the Environmental Handbook for Massachusetts Conservation Commissioners. This update will make the resource available as an interactive, web-based E-Handbook.

North and South Rivers Watershed Association (Norwell) – $22,000 for preliminary design and engineering for removal of the Tack Factory Pond dam in Hanover. This is the first dam in the Third Herring Brook system, a 5.5 mile long tributary to the North River estuary.

OARS, Inc. (Concord) – $20,768 to assess and protect brook trout habitat in the four Sudbury River tributary streams known to have wild brook trout populations.

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies (Provincetown) – $23,801 over 12 months to establish a new water quality testing and monitoring program for Nantucket Sound, including testing for pharmaceutical compounds.

Salem Sound Coast Watch (Salem) – $50,000 to monitor and evaluate marine, estuarine and freshwater systems of Salem Harbor over a 2-year period to understand the impact of phytoplankton, stormwater non-point source pollution and boating activity on water clarity and the decline of eelgrass.

Salem State University (Salem) – $17,544 to develop tools to monitor the impact of road salt application on freshwater resources.

Saugus River Watershed Council (Saugus) – $60,000 to create and implement Climate Change Adaptation/Mitigation Plans aimed at protecting watershed resources in the five largest watershed communities — Lynn, Revere, Saugus, Wakefield and Lynnfield. SRWC will promote local implementation of strategies in the Massachusetts Climate Change Adaptation Report.

Thompson Island Outward Bound Center, Inc. (Boston) – $20,000 to operate the Connections program, which provides Boston middle school students with environmental education and visits to Boston Harbor Islands National Park.

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