Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program


Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants (MORI) and Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF) jointly administer the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program (URMP). This program establishes legal responsibility under State law, to ensure that eligible unaccompanied youth receive the full range of assistance, care, and services which are available to all foster children in the State in a variety of settings: in foster homes, group home settings, or in other residential settings as appropriate for each individual child.

A wide range of additional services provided include: indirect financial support for housing, food, clothing, medical care and other necessities; intensive case management by social workers; independent living skills training; educational supports; English language training; career/college counseling and training; mental health services; assistance adjusting immigration status; cultural activities; recreational opportunities; support for social integration; supports for foster families; and cultural and religious preservation.

In FFY2016, the program was able to reach, engage, house and protect 199 minors throughout the Commonwealth. Direct services were delivered via Ascentria Care Alliance, and youth from the following countries were served: Bhutan, Burma, Democratic Republic of Congo, El Salvador, Eritrea, Honduras, Iraq, Somalia, and Sudan. 

To find out more about becoming a foster parent for an unaccompanied refugee minor child, please view www.ascentria.org/refugee-youth.


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