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Showing 1 - 8 of 35 results for Snowmobile Trails in State Parks Locations
Beartown State Forest
- Wheelchair Accessible
69 Blue Hill Road, Monterey, MA 01245 DirectionsThis 12,000 acre forest is the perfect place to visit no matter the season. Swim, boat, or fish in Benedict Pond. In the winter, you can cross-country ski and snowmobile.Phone(413) 528-0904 -
Bradley Palmer State Park
- Wheelchair Accessible
40 Asbury St, Topsfield, MA 01983 DirectionsThis former estate features 721-acres of pine needled paths and sunny rolling meadows for hiking, biking, and horseback riding.Phone(978) 887-5931 -
Brimfield State Forest
86 Dearth Hill Rd. Brimfield MA 01010, Brimfield, MA 01010 DirectionsThis rolling forest has over 20 miles of roads and trails for hiking, walking, and horseback riding. Fishing and hunting are also available, and snowmobiling in the winter.Phone(413) 245-9966 -
Chester-Blandford State Forest
800 US-20, Chester, MA 01011 DirectionsWith trails for all experience levels, Chester-Blandford State Forest is perfect for hiking or walking. Take in the Sanderson Falls, go mountain biking, enjoy a picnic or do some hunting and fishing. Snowmobiling and cross-country skiing are available in the winter.Phone(413) 354-6347 -
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) State Forest
- Wheelchair Accessible
78 Cape St., Goshen, MA 01032 DirectionsDAR State Forest offers dozens of campsites, forest trails, a lake to swim and fish in.Phone(413) 268-7098 -
Douglas State Forest
- Wheelchair Accessible
107 Wallum Lake Road, Douglas, MA 01516 Directions5,907-acre Douglas State Forest borders Connecticut and Rhode Island. Enjoy swimming and boating at Wallum Lake or hike miles of woodland trails.Phone(508) 476-7872 -
Erving State Forest
- Wheelchair Accessible
Erving State Forest, Erving, MA 01344 DirectionsVisit for a swim or hike, camp at one of our 27 sites, or kayak on Laurel Lake.Phone(978) 544-3939 -
Freetown-Fall River State Forest
110 Slab Bridge Road, Assonet, MA 02702 DirectionsThis 5000-acre forest includes 25 miles of trails for hiking, horse-back riding, or off-roading (dirt bikes only). It's also home to a Wampanoag reservation.Phone(508) 644-5522