
transcript  Renew your Nursing License

You must renew your APRN, RN, or LPN license every 2 years by your birthday

A diverse group of nurses stands in a line.

APRN and RN license expire on EVEN-numbered years

LPN license expire on ODD-numbered years

You can renew up to 90 days before your birthday

A calendar pops on screen, with a cake in one day square signifying someone’s birthday. The one page expands into three pages, which are highlighted in yellow, showing three months.

You can renew online or by mail

But it’s easiest and fastest to renew online

A computer screen appears. Next to it, a paper form is folded into a mail envelope.

You should only use Internet Explorer or Firefox to log on

A browser window appears, and inside it the logos for Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers. Below each logo, a green circle with a check mark inside pops up.

Do not use Google Chrome

Next to the Internet Explorer and Firefox logos, the logo for Google Chrome appears. A red circle with an “X” emerges underneath it.

We no longer issue paper licenses

A computer screen sits next to a paper license. Over the paper license, a red “X” is drawn.

Instead, check your license online

The paper license fades away and we zoom in on the computer screen. The screen shows a browser open to the page where one can check their license. Next to the screen, a green circle with a check mark appears.

For a paper application, you can email us

A paper application is folded into an envelope. The email address is highlighted in yellow.

You must meet certain requirements to renew

A clipboard show a checklist emerges. One by one, each item on the list is checked off.

You will need to pay a renewal fee

RN and LPN: $120

APRN: $180

Next to the specific fees, a green circle with a dollar sign pops up.

Don’t forget to renew on time!

Late Renewal Fee: $57 (in addition to the regular fee)

A red circle with a dollar sign pops up next to the specific late renewal fee, which is highlighted in red.

Once you’ve completed your renewal online, it’s immediately available for verification 24/7

On a computer screen, a web browser is opened to the site where one can check a license.

When checking your license, be sure to add “RN” or “LN” before your license number with no spaces

We zoom in on the computer monitor, and two license numbers are highlighted: RN123456 and LN123456.

Renew, check, and print your license verification here

The diverse group of nurses from our first shot again stands in a straight line.

A Start Here button appears and links to