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Weights and Measures Information | State | Local | Sealers

State and local sealer program and contact information

State and Municipal Sealer Program

Municipal Sealers of Weights and Measures (Sealers) test, seal and inspect commercial weighing and measuring devices located in the municipality where they are locally appointed; after passing written and practical examinations administered by the Division, these individuals inspect retail businesses operating in their municipality for compliance with the unit pricing, item pricing, or price advertising requirements; and investigate consumer complaints about businesses operating in their municipality. Sealers can perform sealer duties in multiple communities.

The Division administers sealer certification tests, which include both a written and field examination, and certifies newly appointed Local Sealers.  In addition, the Division oversees the performance of all municipal weights and measures programs, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 98, § 36A.

The Division conducts weights and measures inspections in the Massachusetts municipalities with 5,000 or fewer residents pursuant to M.G.L. c. 98, § 35(a)(2); and municipalities also contract with the Division pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 98, § 33A. To see the list of Sealers please see additional resources below.

Weights and measures services provided by the Division consist of testing, sealing, and inspecting those commercial weighing and measuring devices located in the municipality; inspecting retail businesses operating in the municipality for compliance with unit pricing, item pricing, or price advertising requirements; and investigating consumer complaints against businesses operating in the municipality.

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