If you have a disability, MassAbility’s Benefits Counseling program can help you find financial independence and a career.
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- This page, Benefits Counseling , is offered by
- MassAbility
Program guidelines
A Benefits Counselor can help you understand how returning to work impacts your benefits, recommend work incentives to maximize income and health care, and guide you toward financial independence. Services include:
- Access to employment support services
- Explanation of federal, state, and local work incentives, and tracking of SSDI/SSI benefit changes
- Financial literacy support (budgeting, savings, checking)
- Information on protection and advocacy for disability recipients
- Employee and federally subsidized health coverage options (Medicare/Medicaid)
- Information and referrals to community resources
Am I eligible?
You may be eligible for Benefits Counseling if you:
- Receive SSI or SSDI benefits from the Social Security Administration based on a disability
- Are at least 14 years old and under the age of full retirement benefits (currently 65)
- Are employed, seriously considering employment, or pursuing employment through school or training
- Reside in Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, or Suffolk counties.
- For other counties, don't hesitate to get in touch with Work Without Limits Benefits Counseling at 877-YES-WORK or 877-937-9675
Questions about this program?
Other benefit counseling programs for people with disabilities
MassAbility also offers Student Benefits Counselors for transition-age youth (ages 14-24 who are still in school) and their families. These students may not be receiving SSI or SSDI through the Social Security Administration but are facing barriers to education, training, and employment due to a disability.
Are you eligible for Benefits Counseling? Enroll today and start building a more financially independent life.
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