The MDPH Vaccine Management Unit staff will reduce pediatric single-component Hep B vaccine orders by 25% starting October 1, 2018 for all provider sites except birth facilities. The Vaccine Unit will continue to closely review vaccine orders to meet provider needs and work within the allocations allowed by the CDC.
It is important that you decide as a practice which temporary schedule to implement in your office as this will affect your vaccine ordering patterns during the shortage period. Some providers will need to plan on increasing their orders of some single-component vaccines and/or Pediarix.
If you choose to switch from Pentacel to an all Pediarix schedule for routine use in your office or if you choose to substitute 1 or 2 doses of Pediarix for Pentacel in the DTaP series on a temporary basis during the shortage, please call the Vaccine Unit to assist you with your orders and be sure to update your monthly order quantities of single-component vaccines (Hep B, DTaP, Hib, IPV). Keep in mind that MDPH does not encourage frequent switching of vaccine formulations, so be sure to have a plan to use all remaining supplies of Pentacel to avoid vaccine wastage.
Providers must track their inventory closely during this shortage to maximize the number of available doses for all practices and clinics. Please use all doses ordered so that vaccine does not go unused or be allowed to expire, which will result in vaccine restitution.
The pediatric single-component HepB vaccine shortage is an evolving situation and may change over the coming months. MDPH will be monitoring the national vaccine supply and will communicate with providers, by email and on the MDPH website at