Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences (BIDLS)

BIDLS tracks, tests for, and combats infectious disease. We educate people in Massachusetts about preventing the spread of disease and improve the quality of life of all residents.

Public health response to COVID-19

Contact Us

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health logo


Infectious Disease Division (617) 983-6550
Urgent calls and infectious disease reporting (617) 983–6800
Laboratory Sciences Division (617) 983–6201


State Public Health Laboratory
305 South Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Who we serve

We work to protect everyone in Massachusetts from infectious disease. We provide infectious disease prevention and tracking, health information and education, vaccines, and laboratory testing to medical professionals, hospitals, local and regional health departments, other state agencies, community-based organizations, schools, correctional facilities, first responders, and the general public.

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