• This page, Disability Listening and Learning Forum, is   offered by
  • MassAbility

Disability Listening and Learning Forum

Tuesday, January 11, 2022
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
people speaking into a microphone

Overview   of Disability Listening and Learning Forum

MRC provides a space for the disability community to learn more about the agency every three months. During these forums, we want to hear from you as well. This forum will focus on:

  • Independent Living Centers (ILC’s) and transportation services and supports.
  • Stories from individuals with disabilities accessing these supports.
  • YOUR feedback on how MRC can best support you and your family.

Individuals with disabilities and their families across Massachusetts are encouraged and welcome to attend. We want to hear from those who have received MRC support and those that never have but are interested. Community partners and allies are welcome.  

CART and ASL Interpreters will be provided. You can request other accommodations during registration. For any questions email the Office of Individual and Family Engagement. They will be able to answer all of your questions or help you register for the event.

Help Us Improve Mass.gov  with your feedback

Please do not include personal or contact information.