Minutes for Law Enforcement Body Camera Task Force Meeting- Drafting Subcommittee

Tuesday, February 15, 2022
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Law Enforcement Body Camera Task Force Drafting Subcommittee Meeting

February 15, 2022, 10:00 a.m.

Where: Microsoft Teams (Virtual Meeting)


Chair Angela Davis called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m., attendance was taken and a quorum established. 


Members Present

Asst. U/S Angela Davis (Chair)

Attorney Stephen Carley

Tim Mitchell



Chair Davis reviewed the process for creating the starting draft, and suggested the subcommittee provide thoughts for keeping edited draft with all comments.  The subcommittee agreed with keeping copy with all edits and then providing the larger task force with the edit copy as well as a clear copy. 


A motion was made and accepted to pass the meeting minutes from 2/1/22. Chair Davis invited public comment, no public members were present.


The group then began going through the draft and reviewing comments made.  Members suggested flagging areas that needed follow up and replying to comments with those respective instructions.  Chair Davis will ask Dan and Steve to review in the draft and respond there.  Chair Davis will follow up with EOPSS on the Subcommittee question:  to include other camera guidelines along with body worn camera guidelines.  Subcommittee members suggested more clarity regarding our work is needed given that the language included dashboard cameras. 


The Subcommittee needed to adjourn as Chair Davis was called to another meeting.

Chair entertained a motion to adjourn which passed at 10:06 a.m.

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