Overview of MAC Application Due Date
MAC Applications are due no later than September 27th, 2024, at 5:00 PM. If your application is received after September 27th, 2024, at 5:00 PM, it will not be accepted. Please plan accordingly.
You can access the application by clicking here or on COMMBUYS (BID# BD-25-1039-EHS01-ASHWA-106346) at this link: COMMBUYS - Bid Solicitation
You may choose to submit this application by email or mail.
Shukri Osman, Procurement Coordinator
Office of the General Counsel
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
One Ashburton Place, 11th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
TO SUBMIT BY EMAIL (please note, email can be unsecured), send your completed application to the procurement coordinator, Shukri Osman, at shukri.osman@mass.gov.
If you need help accessing, filling out, or submitting your application, please contact the Procurement Coordinator, Shukri Osman, at shukri.osman@mass.gov or (781) 531-4363. You may also request reasonable accommodations, such as getting the materials in an alternative format.