- This page, Manuel Correllus State Forest Pre-Harvest Tour Notice November 2024, is offered by
- Department of Conservation & Recreation
Public Meeting Notice Manuel Correllus State Forest Pre-Harvest Tour Notice November 2024
Contact for Manuel Correllus State Forest Pre-Harvest Tour Notice November 2024
Department of Conservation and Recreation
Open M-F 9am-5pm
Overview of Manuel Correllus State Forest Pre-Harvest Tour Notice November 2024
A DCR Forester will be leading a tour of a prepared forest management area, discussing goals and objectives, silvicultural techniques, providing a view of the project area, and explaining how the operation will take place. A detailed silviculture prescription will be provided to attendees. This tour culminates a public process that included a public meeting and a written comment period.
The tour will be conducted rain or shine as indicated below. Attendees are encouraged to dress for the weather and to wear sturdy shoes. Walking within the project area may be difficult due to fallen trees, rocks, and other obstacles. For additional information about the tour and DCR forest management on State Forests, Parks, and Reservations, please contact Tom Brulé, Management Forestry Program Supervisor, at 413-545-3891 or thomas.brule@mass.gov.
Thursday November 7, 2024; 2:30pm – 4:30pm Manuel Correllus State Forest, Edgartown. DCR Management Forester Paul Gregory will lead a tour of the Plantation Removal & Restoration Project. This project encompasses approximately 175 acres. The primary objective is to removal non-native conifer plantations to facilitate establishment of high-quality native sandplain heathlands and pitch pine – scrub oak barrens habitats. Secondary objectives will be to maintain desired fuel loads and thereby lessen potential wildfire to surrounding residential communities; increase public safety; and provide safe access for firefighters and fire apparatus. Restoring these fire dependent natural communities will provide habitat for a diversity of rare species. This will be accomplished through the overstory removal of non-native conifer plantations to facilitate the establishment of native species and to allow for future prescribed burning and/or mechanical mowing. Meet at the parking lot adjacent to gate #2, located at the intersection of West Tisbury Road and Fire Road 12. Attendees will then walk within the project area to view the planned operation. This tour will involve approximately 1-2 miles of walking off road. Attendees should be prepared to be away from their vehicles for an extended amount of time and distance for this tour.
From Edgartown Town Hall – Travel southeast on Main Street; turn right onto South Summer Street; turn right onto Cooke Street; turn left onto West Tisbury Rd, travel west for approximately 2.6 miles and the meeting location will be on your right.
Additional Resources for Manuel Correllus State Forest Pre-Harvest Tour Notice November 2024
Contact for Manuel Correllus State Forest Pre-Harvest Tour Notice November 2024
Open M-F 9am-5pm