- This page, Patient and Family Schizophrenia Education Day: Advances in Integrated Community Care for People with Serious Mental Illness, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
Patient and Family Schizophrenia Education Day: Advances in Integrated Community Care for People with Serious Mental Illness
Overview of Patient and Family Schizophrenia Education Day: Advances in Integrated Community Care for People with Serious Mental Illness
With check-in from 9:15 - 10:00 am. Complimentary coffee, tea, and lunch will be served. The Starr Center Auditorium Charles River Plaza, 185 Cambridge St., 2nd floor, Boston, 02114 This free event will provide an opportunity for people with schizophrenia, their family, friends, treaters, and others to learn about schizophrenia. This event offers an update on new research findings and important clinical topics for people with schizophrenia, their families friends and care givers. In the morning, Oliver Freudenreich, MD, FAPM lead a discussion on Community Psychiatry: Progress and Challenges, Daphne J. Holt, MD, PhD will talk about Early Detection of Psychosis in your Neighborhood, School and Doctor's Office: What Will it Take? and Cori Cather, PhD will discuss The Center of Excellence for Psychosocial and Systemic Research: Who are we, what have we done and where are we going? The afternoon Julia Browne, PhD will dive into topics regarding, Exercise as a Valuable Part of Recovery and Well-Being. We will also feature a panel of patients and families speaking about their perspective of mental health challenges. |