- This page, Route 2 Corridor Study - public information meeting 2/20/24, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Highway Division
Public Meeting Notice Route 2 Corridor Study - public information meeting 2/20/24
Overview of Route 2 Corridor Study - public information meeting 2/20/24
Two Live Virtual Public Information Meetings will be hosted with the above registration link to present an overview of the Route 2 Corridor Study. These meetings will contain identical content for the convenience of the public.
- February 13, 2024, 6:00 pm
- February 20, 2024, 6:00 pm
The purpose of these meetings is to provide the public with updates on the Route 2 Corridor Study. The Study team will present updates on the scope and status of the study, alternatives, and next steps. There will be opportunities for public comments and questions following the formal presentations.
The study consists of identifying existing and future conditions to develop concept level alternatives and proposing highway, safety, and multi-modal enhancements for Route 2.
Project inquiries, written statements and other exhibits regarding the proposed undertaking may be submitted to Daniel J Racicot at daniel.j.racicot@dot.state.ma.us. Statements and exhibits intended for inclusion in the public meeting transcript must be emailed no later than ten (10) business days after the meeting is posted to the MassDOT website listed below.
These meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. MassDOT provides reasonable accommodations and/or language assistance free of charge upon request (e.g., interpreters in American Sign Language and languages other than English, live captioning, videos, assistive listening devices and alternate material formats), as available. For accommodation or language assistance, please contact MassDOT’s Chief Diversity and Civil Rights Officer by phone (857-368-8580), TTD/TTY at (857) 266-0603, fax (857) 368-0602 or by email (MassDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us). Requests should be made as soon as possible prior to the meeting, and for more difficult to arrange services including sign-language, CART or language translation or interpretation, requests should be made at least ten business days before the meeting.
These meetings will be hosted, or a cancellation announcement posted on this website.