- Posted: February 9, 2021 1:35 p.m.
- Last Updated: February 11, 2021 10:08 a.m.
- This page, SRC Business and Employment Opportunities February Meeting, is offered by
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Public Meeting Notice SRC Business and Employment Opportunities February Meeting
Overview of SRC Business and Employment Opportunities February Meeting
Virtual meeting only. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 3659 0900 Passcode: 535133
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SRC Business and Employment Opportunity (BEO) Committee
2-11-21 Agenda
1. Introductions and housekeeping
2. Frequency and length of BEO meeting for future scheduled meetings, timelines for progress updates to SRC (March 11, June 10, September 9)
3. Review of Work Plan elements for BEO Committee
a. Establish committee members to work on tasks for priorities 1, 2, and 5
b. Agree upon process to use MRC staff liaison time efficiently and effectively
4. State Plan Priority #1: Increase the numbers of state employees with disabilities.
a. task assignments
5. State Plan Priority #2: Develop a robust communications, marketing and branding strategy for the SRC.
a. update on intro mtg with Colleen and Amanda
b. task assignments
6. State Plan Priority #5: Update and make more user-friendly all self-employment resource materials.
a. Identify proponents of keeping the recommendation, and other committee members for participation in task completion
b. Establish task assignments and timelines for completion