- This page, Webinar - Increasing Therapy Usability for Deaf Sign Language Users, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
Webinar - Increasing Therapy Usability for Deaf Sign Language Users
Overview of Webinar - Increasing Therapy Usability for Deaf Sign Language Users
Presenters: Melissa L. Anderson, Ph.D. & Alexander Wilkins, Ph.D.
During this clinically-oriented webinar, Drs. Anderson and Wilkins will review current best practices for making therapy interventions more accessible and engaging for Deaf sign language users. To elucidate these practices, they will share concrete examples of adaptation attempts made to several evidence-based therapies, including but not limited to Seeking Safety, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Cognitive Restructuring for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
NOTE: CEUs are not available for this webinar
Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/967799333366245635