- This page, Williamsburg - Design Public Hearing webinar and comment period, is offered by
- Highway Division
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Public Hearing Notice Williamsburg - Design Public Hearing webinar and comment period
Overview of Williamsburg - Design Public Hearing webinar and comment period
A Live Virtual Design Public Hearing to present the design for the proposed Reconstruction of Mountain Street project in Williamsburg, MA.
The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Reconstruction of Mountain Street project. All views and comments submitted in response to the hearing will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible.
The proposed project consists new pavement, drainage, bicycle accommodation and safety improvements along the 3.25 mile long segment of Mountain Street beginning at the intersection of Kingsley Avenue and terminates near the Whately Town Line.
The existing pavement condition is poor and requires added maintenance and damage repairs. Rideability and drainage are also poor. The existing guard rail and signage are sub-standard. Storm drainage from the roadway discharges directly into Mountain Street Reservoir, an Outstanding Resource Water which supplies drinking water for the City of Northampton.
Situated in a rural setting, the resulting actions propose to address roadway condition, safety, bicycle accommodations and stormwater treatment to provide for the needs for all roadway users with consideration of the adjacent natural resources and properties. The Reconstruction of Mountain Street includes a sliver widening along both sides of the roadway with new pavement over a strengthened subgrade. Uniform shoulders with pavement markings are provided in each direction. Also included in the project is new drainage swales, pipes and structures, new roadway signage, modern beam guardrail with crashworthy end terminals, and stormwater treatment at outlets.
A secure right-of-way is necessary for this project. Acquisitions in fee and permanent or temporary easements may be required. The Town of Williamsburg is responsible for acquiring all needed rights in private or public lands. MassDOT’s policy concerning land acquisitions will be presented in the hearing.
Project inquiries, written statements and other exhibits regarding the proposed undertaking may be submitted to Patricia A. Leavenworth, P.E., Chief Engineer, via e-mail to MassDOTProjectManagement@dot.state.ma.us or via US Mail to Suite 6340, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, Attention: Project Management, Project File No. 607231. Statements and exhibits intended for inclusion in the public hearing transcript must be emailed or postmarked no later than ten (10) business days after the hearing is posted to the MassDOT website listed below.
This hearing is accessible to people with disabilities. MassDOT provides reasonable accommodations and/or language assistance free of charge upon request (e.g interpreters in American Sign Language and languages other than English, live captioning, videos, assistive listening devices and alternate material formats), as available. For accommodation or language assistance, please contact MassDOT's Chief Diversity and Civil Rights Officer by phone (857-368-8580), TTD/TTY at (857) 266-0603, fax (857) 368-0602 or by email (MASSDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us). Requests should be made as soon as possible prior to the meeting, and for more difficult to arrange services including sign-language, CART or language translation or interpretation, requests should be made at least ten business days before the hearing.
Hearing webinar or cancellation announcements will be posted on this website.
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