Shipment Notification of Honey Bees and Beekeeping Equipment

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Honey bee shipments imported into Massachusetts require advanced notification and documentation. As a beekeeper or beekeeping supplier, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 128, Sections 32-36B, 38 and 330 CMR 8.00, you must notify the Department of Agricultural Resources at least two days prior to import of the following honey bee shipments:

  • packages
  • nucleus colonies (nucs)
  • colonies; and
  • used beekeeping equipment.

Shipments must also be accompanied with a State-Issued Health Certificate including at least one honey bee health inspection dated within sixty days prior to transport. To be in regulatory compliance, this Certificate must be provided to the Department for each shipment either electronically by using the online form below or hardcopy by mail to:

MA Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR)
ATTN: Kim Skyrm, Chief Apiary Inspector
138 Memorial Ave, Suite 42
West Springfield, MA  01089

To learn more refer to Transporting and Selling Honey Bees and Related Products in the Commonwealth FAQ or Honey Beekeeper Import Requirements Letter For additional information or questions email

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