DCR Lifeguarding

DCR lifeguards, supervisors and support staff play a critical public safety role at our state parks and beaches. While attentive adult supervision is the first line of defense in drowning prevention efforts, lifeguards provide our state park and pool visitors with an important additional layer of safety. Learn more about how you can join the Pool and Waterfront Safety team and how you can support our mission of enhancing access to pools and beaches across the Commonwealth.

Table of Contents

Lifeguarding Overview

DCR lifeguards are trained to help prevent injuries and to respond in emergencies. As part of a team, lifeguards must work together to manage crisis situations calmly and efficiently. DCR lifeguards help protect swimmers while also making new friends, enjoying an awesome summer job, and creating memories that last a lifetime!

If you are at least 16 years old, are already a certified lifeguard and think you've got what it takes to work as part of our team, view Join the PWS Team for the 2025 Season to see how you can join our team!

Not Certified? No problem! Working with specific training partners, DCR offers a limited number of free lifeguard and instructor certification programs for qualified candidates that work for us in the summer of 2025. Classes typically run November through May.

Regional Information

DCR Boston Region Lifeguarding 
The DCR Boston Region offers lifeguard opportunities at sixteen different aquatic facilities.
Contact: Owen Worden (617) 645-0219  dcr.pwsboston@mass.gov

DCR Central Region Lifeguarding
DCR’s Central Region offers lifeguard opportunities at fifteen different aquatic facilities.
Contact: Lauren Hopper (857) 208-1225  dcr.pwscentral@mass.gov

DCR North Region Lifeguarding
DCR’s North Region offers lifeguard opportunities at thirteen different aquatic facilities.
Contact: Francis Vidal  dcr.pwsnorth@mass.gov

DCR South Region Lifeguarding
DCR’s South Region offers lifeguard opportunities at six different aquatic facilities.
Contact: Allison Calise  (617) 785-0987   dcr.pwssouth@mass.gov

DCR West Region Lifeguarding
DCR’s West Region offers lifeguard opportunities at six different aquatic facilities.
Contact: Vivian Wells  (857)287-1611   dcr.pwswest@mass.gov

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