Foresters for the Birds: Assessing Your Woods for Bird Habitat

The DCR Bird Habitat Assessment Program, in partnership with MassAudubon, provides funding assistance to landowners to work with a consulting forester or other qualified professional to evaluate existing and potential habitat for a selection of birds.

Table of Contents

Foresters for the Birds Overview

Massachusetts is an especially important New England state to breeding birds because it is a part of both the Northern Forest Region the Eastern Deciduous Forest Region.  For some of these species, as much as 90% of their population is breeding here.  Many of these birds are showing a decline in their populations.  For those birds that depend on forest habitat knowing how to modify forest structure to meet habitat needs is critical for species in decline.

MA Foresters for the Birds Ecoregions
MA Foresters for the Birds Ecoregions

Click on the picture to see Foresters for the Birds in action!

Forestry for the Birds Story Map

Key Actions   for Foresters for the Birds Overview

Additional Resources   for Foresters for the Birds Overview

Certify your Property

Private foresters are certified to conduct Bird Habitat assessments by demonstrating a base knowledge of bird habitat requirements, the methods and procedures for doing a habitat assessment and demonstrating the appropriate level of detail in a written habitat assessment.

Additional Resources   for Certify your Property

Other Requirements and Toolkit

The Bird Habitat Assessment must be conducted in concert with a Forest Stewardship Plan, or update an existing forest management plan such as a current use plan. such as Chapter 61 Management Plan.

Download the Forester for the Birds Toolkit below.

Additional Resources   for Other Requirements and Toolkit

Program Partners

Foresters for the Birds program is managed by Mass Woodlands Institute on behalf of DCR.

Key Actions   for Program Partners

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