• This page, Guide for Reporting time in a Reported timesheet, is   offered by
  • Human Resources

Guide for Reporting time in a Reported timesheet

The following information is designed for employees who use a Reported timesheet to report time by entering a quantity of hours for days worked.

Table of Contents


1Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
Note: If you have multiple Commonwealth jobs, refer to step 3 and 4. If you do not, proceed to step 5.
3You will arrive on the TIMESHEET select jobs page, where your jobs will be displayed in a table. The table is arranged in 4 columns of information for each job row. The columns are:
JOB TITLE: The name of your job displayed as a link.
DEPARTMENT ID: Identifies your department and organization.
DEPARTMENT: The department that is tied to your job.
MAIL DROP ID: The mail drop ID number that is tied to your job.
4Select the job you want to submit time for by selecting the JOB TITLE link for the job.
5Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
6On the top of the timesheet are your NAME, EMPLOYEE ID, JOB TITLE and EMPLOYEE RECORD NUMBER.
7Below your personal information is the VIEW BY dropdown menu. You can customize the way your timesheet is displayed by selecting the dropdown menu and selecting DAY, TIME PERIOD, or WEEK.
8To the right of the VIEW BY drop down menu is a CALENDAR icon. By selecting the CALENDAR icon you have the ability to choose a date.
9Moving further to the right are two links called PREVIOUS WEEK and NEXT WEEK. Select on the NEXT WEEK link to advance to the next week. Select on the PREVIOUS WEEK link to navigate to a week in the past.
10Below the PREVIOUS WEEK and NEXT WEEK links are your REPORTED HOURS and your SCHEDULED HOURS. REPORTED HOURS is time you report during the week. Your SCHEDULED HOURS is the total hours in your normal weekly work schedule.
11Your timesheet is displayed below the REPORTED and SCHEDULED HOURS information.
12The timesheet is a table arranged in one row of information, with seven columns for the days of the week, and eight additional columns:

PLUS SIGN (+): Adding a row of information. To be used to add a row of time reporting data.
MINUS SIGN (-): Delete a row of information. To be used to remove time reporting data.
Note: The PLUS AND MINUS buttons are located on the right and left side of the Timesheet.
TOTAL: The total time you report for the week.
TRC Time Reporting Code. A time reporting code is a unique identifier to specify the type of time used (e.g., sick, vacation, overtime, etc.). The text box in the TRC column will be blank if regular time is reported. There is a magnifying glass icon located to the right of the TRC text box. Select the magnifying glass to lookup time reporting codes.
TYPE: This column will not be used at this time.
SHORT DESCRIPTION: This column will not be used at this time.
13Below the timesheet is the SAVE FOR LATER and SUBMIT button. The SAVE FOR LATER button allows you to save your timesheet without submitting it. If you choose this button, you will still need to press the Submit button to have your time for the week approved. Use the SUBMIT button to route your timesheet for approval.

Below the SUBMIT button is the following five tabs:
14The REPORTED TIME STATUS tab is arranged in seven columns of information:

DATE: Shows the date the row is reporting
REPORTED STATUS: Informs you that your reported time needs approval or has been approved by your manager/supervisor.
TOTAL: Total reported hours for each day.
TRC: Informs you which TRC has been reported. This column will be blank if you are only reporting regular time.
DESCRIPTION: Description of TRC. This column will be blank if you are only reporting regular time.
SCHEDULED HOURS: Number of regularly scheduled work hours.
COMMENTS: Users have the ability to leave comments on their timesheet.
Check with your Agency Human Resources or Payroll Department regarding use of comments.
15The SUMMARY tab is arranged in nine columns of information:

TOTAL: Total amount of hours reported for the day.

The table is further divided into three rows:
TOTAL REPORTED HOURS: Total number of hours reported for each day of the week.
TOTAL SCHEDULED HOURS: Total hours scheduled for each day of the week.
SCHEDULE DEVIATION: Total hours reported over or under your scheduled hours.
NO CATEGORY DISPLAYED: This is not used at this time.
16The LEAVE/COMPENSATORY TIME tab is divided into five columns:

PLAN TYPE: Type of plan (e.g., Leave, Comp Time).
PLAN : Type of leave (e.g., sick, vacation, personal).
CURRENT BALANCE: Amount of hours available to use.
MAXIMUM ALLOWED: Amount of maximum hours allowed.
VIEW DETAILS: Detail table of leave and usage.
17The EXCEPTIONS tab is divided into eight columns.Exceptions are generated when the reported time does not comply with a defined rule or does not match the employee's default schedule.

ALLOW: If the severity is Low, you should resolve in timesheet or allow by selecting the Allow checkbox. Only Managers and Core Users can Allow Low Exceptions. If the severity is High, you can't allow the exception. The error needs to be fixed in timesheet.
DATE: This displays the date in the timesheet on which the exception occurred.
EXCEPTION ID: This displays the exception ID code that was reported against the employee.
EXCEPTION SOURCE: This identifies the level at which the exception must be cleared. Normally exceptions will need to be cleared by an admin level or the employee’s time approver.
STATUS: This displays the status of the exception.
EXCEPTION SEVERITY: This displays how critical the exception is, values include High and Low. When reviewing, the exceptions should be worked in regards to severity of each exception.
EXPLANATION: This displays the definition of the exception as it correlates to the exception ID.
COMMENT: Comments can be entered by Employee, Manager or Core Users. These comments are editable.
18The PAYABLE TIME tab is divided into eight columns. The fields on this tab display any existing payable time within the date range specified for this timesheet.

DATE: Shows the date the row is reporting
TRC: Time Reporting Code. A time reporting code is a unique identifier to specify the type of time used (e.g., reg, sick, vacation, overtime, etc.).
DESCRIPTION: Description of TRC
PAYABLE STATUS: Identifies the status for this time.
QUANTITY: Total quantity of TRC reported.
ESTIMATED GROSS: This is an estimated gross and only reflects the hours reported in timesheet.
CURRENCY CODE: Shows the currency code of the Estimated Gross.
19Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Regular Time

Important Reminders:

  • Regular time is defined as hours worked.
  • You can report time up to 42 days in advance not including the current pay period by selecting on the NEXT WEEK link located above your timesheet and reporting leave in the appropriate time period.
  • You can adjust time up to 15 days in the past by selecting the PREVIOUS WEEK link located above your timesheet and reporting leave in the appropriate time period. This is referred to as a PRIOR PAY PERIOD ADJUSTMENT.
  • The deadline for time reporting is each Thursday at 5:00PM.
  • If your Agency is supported by the MassHR Employee Service Center (ESC), contact the ESC for assistance with reporting regular time. If your Agency is not supported by the ESC, please contact your Agency Human Resources/Payroll Department.
1.Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2.From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3.You will arrive at the TIMESHEET page.
4.Review your pre-populated schedule for each day of the week. Adjust your times as necessary. If you are an employee without a work schedule displayed on your timesheet, you will need to manually enter your time for each day.
5.Adjust regular hours in your timesheet as necessary.
6.If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
7.The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button to certify your attendance record.
8.Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
9.Review the REPORTED TIME STATUS tab for accuracy.
10.Review the REPORTED STATUS column in the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
11.Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Excess Work Hours

Important Reminders:

  • Some employees are set up by their Human Resources/Payroll Department to earn overtime, comp time, or unbudgeted (uncompensated) hours as a default when they report hours in excess of their schedule.
  • If you wish to report comp time earned and overtime hours in the same week, you will need to manually report your excess hours on the timesheet.
  • This job aid will focus on the manual entry of overtime and/or comp time hours.
  • Employees who are not eligible to earn comp time or overtime should check with their Agency HR/Payroll to find out whether to report excess hours worked.
  • The deadline for time reporting is each Thursday at 5:00PM.
  • Please consult your HR/Payroll Department to ensure the correct Comp Time and Overtime calculations, based on specific contract bargaining agreements.
1.Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2.From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3.Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4.Locate the row for the day you were approved to work overtime or earn comp time.
5.Select on the ADD A ROW (+) icon. A row must be added for each TRC used.
6.In the TRC column, select the magnifying glass icon in the new row for the day you earned comp time or overtime. This will display the LOOK UP TRC table. Scroll through the table and select the time reporting code you wish to use.

Check with your Agency Human Resources/Payroll Department to learn when to use Overtime Straight (OTS), Overtime Premium (OTP), or Comp Time (COM).
7.If you are eligible for COMP and have confirmed how you should calculate comp time earned, enter the number of hours of comp time earned on the appropriate day in the new row. Reporting comp time earned is different from reporting leave. Use the Information below for clarification:

Comp Time:
Total Hours Worked: Use this TRC:
40+ hours: Comp Time Earned (COM)*

*You must manually multiply by 1.5 the hours over 40 to account for accrual at time and a half.

Example: A 37.50-hour employee works 44 hours and requests comp time. The employee should report a total of 8.5 hours of comp time earned (2.5 hours earned at straight time from 37.5 to 40 and 6 hours [4 hours*1.5] from 40 to 44 hours = 8.5 hours).

Part time employees should calculate extra hours worked as comp time straight time until reaching 8 hours per day and premium time (1.5) for extra hours worked over 8 in a day or more than 40 hours in the week.
8.If you are eligible for Overtime and have confirmed how you should report overtime hours, enter the number of hours of overtime worked on the appropriate day in the new row. Reporting overtime is different from reporting leave. Use the Information below for clarification:


Total Hours Worked: Use this TRC:
37.5 hours – 40 hours: Overtime Straight (OTS)
40+ hours: Overtime Premium (OTP)

*For Overtime, you will enter in the hour for hour amount in the quantity field as either OTS or OTP as applicable.

Example: A 37.50-hour employee works 44 hours and requests overtime. The employee should report a total of 2.5 hours of OTS and 4 hours of OTP from 40 to 44 hours.

Part time employees should enter in extra hours worked as OTS time until reaching 8 hours per day and OTP for extra hours worked over 8 in a day or more than 40 hours in the week.
9.Repeat steps as necessary for each day you earned comp time or overtime.
10.If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
11.The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
12.Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. Notice that your REPORTED HOURS are greater than your SCHEDULED HOURS because overtime and/or comp time has been reported.
13.Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy. Days that you report less than or more than your scheduled hours will be identified in the SCHEDULE DEVIATION column. Your total hours reported and your total scheduled hours will be identified in the TOTAL column. An overage of hours will appear in the DEVIATION column for the day(s) overtime and/or comp time is reported.
14.Review the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value in the status column is now NEEDS APPROVAL. When your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
15.Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Leave

Important Reminders:

  • Regular time is defined as hours worked.
  • Follow your Agency’s practice for reporting leave (i.e., pre-approval, etc). If you have questions regarding your Agency’s leave usage practices, please contact your Agency human resources/payroll office.
  • Each row of time reporting information is tied to a unique time reporting code.
  • You can report time up to 42 days in advance by selecting on the NEXT WEEK link located above your timesheet and reporting leave in the appropriate time period.
  • You can adjust time up to 15 days in the past by selecting the PREVIOUS WEEK link located above your timesheet and reporting leave in the appropriate time period. This is referred to as a PRIOR PAY PERIOD ADJUSTMENT.
  • The deadline for time reporting is each Thursday at 5:00PM.
  • Remember to review your leave in the LEAVE /COMPENSATORY TIME BALANCES table to ensure you have enough leave to cover your time away from work.

Reporting Leave for the Week

1.Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2.From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3.Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4.Next, in the TRC column, select the magnifying glass icon in the row for each day you wish to take leave. This will display the LOOK UP TRC table. Scroll through the table and select the time reporting code you wish to use. Repeat this step for each day you are using leave.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
5.If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
6.The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
7.Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
8.Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
9.Review the REPORTED STATUS column in the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value in the status column is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
10.Review the LEAVE /COMPENSATORY TIME tab. Notice that your COMP TIME, PERSONAL, SICK, or VACATION balance has been reduced by the amount of leave reported in your timesheet.
11.Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Leave for an Entire Day

1Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4Select the ADD A ROW (+) icon on your timesheet. As a reminder, each unique TRC requires a row.
5Locate the day you want to take leave. Remove your work hours and enter your leave hours into the new row.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
6In TRC column, in the new row, select the magnifying glass icon to display the LOOK UP TRC table. Scroll through the table and select the time reporting code you wish to use.
7If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
9Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
10Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
11Review the REPORTED STATUS column in the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value in the status column is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
12Review the LEAVE /COMPENSATORY TIME tab. Notice that your COMP TIME, PERSONAL, SICK, or VACATION balance has been reduced by the amount of leave reported in your timesheet.
13Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Leave with Regular Time

1Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile
3Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4Select the ADD A ROW (+) icon on your timesheet. As a reminder, each unique TRC requires a row.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
5Locate the day you want to take leave. Edit your work hours to reflect hours worked and enter your leave hours into the new row.
6In TRC column, in the new row, select the magnifying glass icon to display the LOOK UP TRC table. Scroll through the table and select the time reporting code you wish to use.
7If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
9Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
10Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
11Review the REPORTED STATUS column in the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value in the status column is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
12Review the LEAVE /COMPENSATORY TIME tab. Notice that your COMP TIME, PERSONAL, SICK, or VACATION balance has been reduced by the amount of leave reported in your timesheet.
13Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Multiple Leave Types

1Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4Select the ADD A ROW (+) icon on your timesheet. As a reminder, each unique TRC requires a row. Add a row for each individual leave type you wish to use. Example, if you want to use both personal and vacation leave, you will need to add two rows.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
5Locate the day you want to take leave. Edit or remove your regular hours and enter leave hours into the new rows. Remember, each TRC requires a unique row.
6In TRC column, in the new rows, select the magnifying glass icon to display the LOOK UP TRC table. Scroll through the table and select the time reporting code you wish to use.
7If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
9Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
10Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
11Review the REPORTED STATUS column in the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value in the status column is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
12Review the LEAVE /COMPENSATORY TIME tab. Notice that your COMP TIME, PERSONAL, SICK, or VACATION balance has been reduced by the amount of leave reported in your timesheet.
13Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Reporting Holidays

Holiday Eligibility:

An employee must work at least half time to receive the holiday benefit. Contract and post retirement employees are not eligible for holiday pay. Depending on department policy and needs, on a holiday employees may: be granted the day off ; be required to work; be credited with comp time; or receive additional holiday pay. For more information on eligibility, please refer to your policies and procedures and collective bargaining contracts. Managers and Confidential employees in the Executive Branch Agencies should refer to the Redbook.

Holiday Calculation:

  • Employees are entitled to receive holiday hours equal to 1/5 of their total weekly scheduled hours.
  • To determine the number of daily hours, divide the total weekly scheduled hours by five, regardless of an employee’s daily schedule.
  • Holiday Calculation Examples:
    • Full-time employee with regular weekly schedule of 40.0 hours
      • 40.0 hours / 5 days = 8 holiday hours
    • Full-time employee with regular weekly schedule of 37.5 hours
      • 37.5 hours / 5 days = 7.5 holiday hours
    • Part-time employee with regular weekly schedule of 24.0 hours
      • 24.0 hours / 5 days = 4.8 holiday hours
    • Part-time employee with regular weekly schedule of 30.0 hours
      • 30.0 hours / 5 days = 6.0 holiday hours

Important Reminders:

  • Follow your agency’s practice for reporting holiday leave (i.e., pre-approval, etc). If you have questions regarding your agency’s leave usage practices, please contact your agency human resources/payroll office.

Non-Worked Holidays (Scheduled Day): Holiday Pay for Work Day


  • When a holiday occurs on a regularly scheduled workday and the employee is not required to work on the holiday, the employee should enter the time off using the Holiday Pay Normal (HLN) Time Reporting Code (TRC).
1.Log in to Employee Self-Service using your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2.From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3.Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule. Remove the pre-populated regular hours on the day the holiday is observed.
4.Select on the ADD A ROW (+) button.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
5.Next, in the new row, select the magnifying glass button in the TRC column The LOOK UP TRC table will display. Scroll through the table and select the HOLIDAY PAY NORMAL (HLN) TRC.
6.In the new row, locate the date of the observed holiday and enter the appropriate amount of holiday hours in the text box (1/5 of your regular weekly scheduled hours).

NOTE: If your eligible HLN hours are less than your regularly scheduled hours for the day, you must use leave time to make up the difference, to avoid being underpaid.

Review your leave balances in the LEAVE /COMPENSATORY TIME tab to ensure you have enough leave time to cover your time away from work.

You do not need to review your balances if you choose to take unpaid leave.
7.If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8.The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
9.Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
10.Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
11.Review the REPORTED TIME STATUS column. Notice that the value is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
12.Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Non-Worked Holidays (Unscheduled Day): Holiday Comp Time Earned or an Additional Day of Pay for the Holiday


  • When a holiday falls on an employee’s day off and the employee works the holiday, they may choose to receive: holiday comp time by entering the HWC TRC on their timesheet. Or with approval, an additional day of pay for the holiday by entering the HLP TRC. Police officers, firefighters, and correction officers may use HOL to receive an additional day of pay for the holiday.
1Log in to Employee Self-Service using your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4Select the ADD A ROW (+) button.
5In the new row, locate the date of the observed holiday that is also your day off and enter the amount of eligible holiday hours (1/5 of your regular weekly scheduled hours).
6Next, in the TRC column for the new row, select the magnifying glass. The LOOK UP TRC table will display. Scroll through the table and select HOLIDAY COMP TIME (HWC), or with approval, ADDITIONAL DAY OF PAY FOR THE HOLIDAY (HLP).

Note: Only police officers, firefighters, or correction officers use HOL to report an additional day of pay for the holiday.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
7If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
9Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
10Review the REPORTED TIME STATUS column. Notice that the value is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
11Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Worked Holidays (Scheduled Day): Holiday Comp Time Earned or an Additional Day of Pay for the Holiday


  • When a holiday falls on a regularly scheduled workday and the employee is required to work, the employee may elect to receive comp time in lieu of the holiday by entering HWC on their timesheet; or, with approval, an additional day of pay for the holiday by entering HLP; or, in the case of police officers, firefighters, and correction officers, HOL.
1Log in to Employee Self-Service using your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4Select the ADD A ROW (+) button.
5In the new row, locate the date of the observed holiday that is also your regularly scheduled workday and enter the amount of eligible holiday hours (1/5 of your regular weekly scheduled hours).
6Next, in the new row, locate the TRC column and select the magnifying glass. The LOOK UP TRC table will display. Scroll through the table and select HOLIDAY COMP TIME (HWC), or with approval, HOLIDAY PAY (HLP or HOL).

Note: Only police officers, firefighters, or correction officers use the (HOL) TRC to report an additional day of pay for the holiday.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
7If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. Your reported hours will be more than your scheduled hours to reflect hours worked plus additional hours for HOLIDAY COMP TIME (HWC) or HOLIDAY PAY (HLP or HOL).
9Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
10Review the REPORTED TIME STATUS column. Notice that the value is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
11Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Not on Payroll (NOP) Status Before or After a Holiday: Employee Not Entitled to a Holiday

Considerations: If an employee is on unpaid leave or unpaid absence for the part of his/her regularly scheduled workday immediately before or after a holiday that falls one regularly scheduled work day, and the employee is not required to work on the holiday, he/she will not receive holiday pay. See the Collective Bargaining Agreements.

1Log in to Employee Self-Service using your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule. Remove the pre-populated regular hours on the day the holiday is observed.
4Select the ADD A ROW (+) button.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
5In the new row, locate the date of the observed holiday and enter the appropriate amount of NOT ON PAYROLL (NOP) hours in the text box.
6Next, in the same row, select the magnifying glass icon in the TRC column. The LOOK UP TRC table will display. Scroll through the table and select the NOT ON PAYROLL (NOP) TRC.
7If your timesheet is accurate, select the SUBMIT button.
8The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. Select the OK button on this page to certify your attendance record.
9Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy. Note that even though you are not on the payroll, your submitted hours and scheduled hours still match.
10Select the SUMMARY tab to review the REPORTED TIME SUMMARY table for accuracy.
11Review the REPORTED TIME STATUS column. Notice that the value is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.
12Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

Labor Distribution

Important Reminders:

  • If you are a labor distribution employee, you will need to report your time worked and identify time spent on specific projects on your timesheet. This is done by assigning hours worked to various COMBO CODES and/or User Fields.
  • A unique COMBO CODE is assigned to each project or account. By selecting a combo code, your hours worked will be charged to that specific project or account. The process of choosing a combo code is very similar to choosing a time reporting code.
  • Some Agencies may utilize the User Fields on the labor distribution timesheet. To help you identify the correct User Fields, each one will begin with the 3-character department code.
  • If you have questions about which combo code to report, please contact your Agency’s Human Resources or Payroll Department.
  • Your Employee Self-Service timesheet is considered your official Commonwealth attendance record.
  • If you need assistance with reporting regular time please contact the MassHR Employee Service Center (ESC) or your Agency Human Resources/Payroll Department if you are a part of a non-ESC Agency.
1.Log in to Employee Self-Service with your user ID (employee ID) and password.
2.From the Employee Self-Service homepage, select the TIMESHEET tile.
3.Your timesheet will be displayed, pre-populated with your regular work schedule.
4.If you are a labor distribution employee, you will need to report your time worked and identify time spent on specific projects on your timesheet. This is done by assigning hours worked to various COMBO CODES.
Note: If you do not have a COMBO CODE to enter, skip to step 11 to enter a User Field. You may need to enter a COMBO CODE, a User Field, or both.
5.Adjust your hours worked in the existing row to reflect your time worked on a specific project (i.e., if you worked 4 hours on a specific project on Monday, remove the pre-populated schedule and enter 4 hours in the text box for Monday).
6.Scroll to the right of the timesheet page and select the ADD A ROW (+)icon
7.In the newly added row, enter your time worked on the second project that day.
8.Scroll to the right and select the COMBO CODE magnifying glass icon. You will need to repeat this step for each row added.
9.This opens the LOOK UP COMBO CODE dialogue box. Scroll through the combo code values and select the appropriate COMBO CODE.
You will need to repeat this step for each row added.
10.Notice the COMBO CODE field has been populated with the selected COMBO CODE.
11.Next, if instructed by your agency, you will need to select USER FIELDS by scrolling to the right. Labor distribution timesheets have five columns entitled USER FIELD 1, USER FIELD 2, USER FIELD 3, USER FIELD 4 and USER FIELD 5. User Fields further drill down time worked on a particular project and can charge time to specific tasks or other accounts. Instructions on the appropriate use of USER FIELDS will be communicated to you by a representative from your agency.
Note: If you do not have user fields to enter, you can review your timesheet for accuracy and submit.
12.Repeat steps 6-12 as necessary.
13.If you have no changes, click the SUBMIT button to route your timesheet for approval to your supervisor or manager.
14.The SUBMIT CONFIRMATION page will display. By selecting the OK button on this page, you are certifying your attendance record.
15.Review your REPORTED HOURS and SCHEDULED HOURS information above your timesheet. If your reported hours are less than your scheduled hours, please review your timesheet for accuracy.
16.Review the REPORTED HOURS SUMMARY table for accuracy.
17.Review the STATUS column in the REPORTED TIME STATUS table. Notice that the value in the status column is now NEEDS APPROVAL. After your manager/supervisor reviews and approves the time you submitted, the status will change to APPROVED.

An Important Reminder: Please notify your manager any time you add/delete a row and make changes to your timesheet after it has been approved (check the status column on your timesheet to confirm whether or not your manager has approved your time). Your manager must review and re-approve your edited timesheet. Failure to notify your manager of changes may result in inaccurate pay.
18.Select the SIGN OUT link under the Action icon to log out of Employee Self-Service.

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