There is no requirement to hold a body for a period of time before burial. Burial can take place as soon as a permit is issued and the cemetery is ready. Burial must take place in a municipal or private cemetery approved by the local board of health. If cremated remains are to be buried in a cemetery, a burial permit must be provided to the cemetery. Local jurisdictions should be contacted if a second burial permit is required. In the case of violent or unexplained death, the body must be turned over to a medical examiner or coroner and may be kept several days while the cause of death is investigated.
Containers/Outer Burial Containers
M.G.L. Chapter 114, Section 44A, requires a body to be placed in a "suitable receptacle" in order to be cremated. The body should be placed in a rigid container lined with plastic sheeting to prevent leakage of body fluids. The use of a simple covered box allows for some dignity for all involved in the handling and moving of a body, regardless of final disposition. A simple container, often made out of strong cardboard, which is designed to be destroyed during cremation and often called an "alternative container," can be obtained from a crematorium or funeral director. For additional information options consumers may choose from when selecting funeral services, please see the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) Funeral Rule.
Most cemeteries require that the container be placed inside a concrete grave liner to prevent the ground from subsiding. These may be purchased from some cemeteries or at a funeral home. Most cemeteries do not permit anyone other than their own staff to open or fill a grave.
Green burial
A “green” burial or natural burial is a method of final disposition of a body with fewer environmental impacts than traditional burial. Generally, a green burial means that the body is not embalmed, no metal or hard wood are used to make the casket, and no grave liner or vault is used. The gravesite may have a low profile grave marker or no marker at all. There is no law in Massachusetts that directly address green burials, but anyone interested in green burial should keep certain considerations in mind. First, there is no law requiring a body to be embalmed, but one should be aware that decomposition sets on quickly. It is possible to store a body for a limited period of time and measures such as turning on the air conditioning or keeping dry ice in the room can help suppress decomposition for a period of time. Second, people interested in a green burial are still required to obtain a burial permit from their local city or town. Finally, there are no standards for green burials in Massachusetts and exclusively green cemeteries do not yet exist in the state. Therefore, anyone interested in green burials should speak directly with a cemetery about performing a green burial. Cemeteries may have their own requirements regarding burials, including the use of grave liners.
Burial at sea
Burial at sea is regulated under 40 CFR § 229.1 in federal waters and MGL Chapter 38, Section 14 in state waters. According to federal regulations, human remains or cremains transported on U.S. vessels or planes travelling from U.S. ports may be buried at sea. The human remains must be prepared for burial at sea in accordance with accepted practices and any requirements set forth by the United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, or other civil authority charged with this responsibility.
For non-cremated remains, the burial must take place at least 3 nautical miles from land and at a depth of at least 600 ft. In Massachusetts, compliance with this depth requirement typically means the burial must take place between 25 and 75 miles offshore. The body must also be weighted down to sink quickly and permanently. For cremated remains, there is no depth requirement but the ash scattering must take place at least 3 nautical miles offshore. Decomposable flowers and wreaths may also be scattered where the final disposition takes place.
All burials taking place in federal waters must be reported to the proper Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency in the Region from which the vessel carrying the remains departed within 30 days of the burial. Massachusetts is in Region 1, and you may contact the EPA Burial at Sea Coordinator with additional questions. The report must include the name of the deceased, date of the burial, type of remains, burial site latitude and longitude, distance from land, depth of water (for non-cremated remains), and name/contact information of the funeral director or person responsible for the burial.
Inland water burials are governed according to the Clean Water Act and require a permit from the appropriate local and state agencies. This act was meant to protect waterways from pollution and human cremated remains generally don’t contribute to pollution or pose a health hazard. Local prohibitions against scattering human remains may exist in some waters.
Under M.G.L. Chapter 38, Section 14, a medical examiner must examine the body and determine the cause and manner of death for anybody intended for cremation or burial at sea. The examiner shall not authorize the cremation or burial at sea until they are satisfied that no further examination or judicial inquiry into the death is necessary.
Those wishing to have a burial at sea performed by the U.S. Navy or U.S. Coast Guard must submit additional paperwork to those entities. In order to be eligible, the deceased must have been an active duty member of the uniformed services at the time of death, a retiree or veteran honorably discharged, a dependent family member of active duty member, retiree, or veteran of the uniformed services, or U.S. civilian marine personnel of the Military Sealift Command. The Navy accepts both cremains and casketed bodies for disposition, but the Coast Guard will only accept cremated remains.
Home burials
A home burial, meaning burying a person on privately owned residential property that is not an approved cemetery, is not explicitly prohibited by law but there are many important issues to be resolved before considering this. First, unless your property has already been approved for burial use, you must attain written approval from the local board of health where the land is situated.1 After obtaining written approval from the local board of health, those seeking to bury a person on their property must also get the permission of the local city or town government.2 There is an exception to the requirement of approval from the BOH and city or town in cases where a body is being temporarily stored on private property in a tomb, which is defined as a receiving vault designed for the temporary storage of a casketed body which is not to be interred immediately3, in this case no such permission is required.4 Also, since any area of land that is set aside and dedicated for the final disposition of the remains of a deceased person is considered a cemetery under M.G.L. Chapter 114, Section 1, use of privately owned residential land to bury a body would require that the land where the body would be buried be designated and operated as a cemetery and the owner of the land would need to comply with requirements to establish a cemetery corporation. In addition to obtaining the required local approvals those seeking to have a home burial must meet certain environmental standards. Unless the property in question was approved for burial prior to 1908, land that is situated so that surface water or ground drainage enters a pond, stream, well, filter gallery, public water supply, or tributary source cannot be used for burial purposes unless the Department of Environmental Protection has given written approval to the plan.5 Finally, those who do a home burial will need to note the burial on the deed for that property where the body is buried before the property can be transferred, as a home burial is likely to be viewed as a encumbrance on the land.6
1 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 114, §34 (2013).
2 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 114, §34 (2013).
3 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 114, §1 (2013).
4 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 114, §34 (2013).
5 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 114, §35 (2013).
6 Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 184, §21 (2013).