Historical and current Technical Memoranda (TM) produced by the Watershed Planning Program (WPP) are presented below. The majority of these TMs present the water chemistry and biological sampling results of WPP monitoring surveys. The TMs pertaining primarily to biological information (e.g., benthic macroinvertebrates, periphyton, fish populations) contain biological data and metrics that are currently not reported elsewhere. The data contained in the water quality TMs are also provided on the “Data” page (https://www.mass.gov/guides/water-quality-monitoring-program-data). Many of these TMs have helped inform Clean Water Act 305(b) assessment and 303(d) listing decisions.
For historical assessment reports, see WPP’s Water Quality Assessment Reports. Also, additional data on Central Regional watersheds (Blackstone, Nashua, Concord, French-Quinebaug, Millers and Chicopee) can be found on MassDEP's SMART Monitoring Technical Memoranda web page.