Apply for a certificate for in-vitro testing with radioactive material under a general license

As a physician, veterinarian, clinical laboratory, or hospital, you must be certified to possess certain small quantities of radioactive material for in vitro clinical or laboratory tests.

Radiation Control Program

The Details   of Apply for a certificate for in-vitro testing with radioactive material under a general license

How to apply   Apply for a certificate for in-vitro testing with radioactive material under a general license

Email the required application to:

You can access the Application for In-Vitro Testing Under a General License below.

Downloads   for Apply for a certificate for in-vitro testing with radioactive material under a general license

Contact   for Apply for a certificate for in-vitro testing with radioactive material under a general license

250 Washington St., 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Rings to Massachusetts State Police

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