Berkshire District Attorney's Office
Open Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Open Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:00pm
The Details of Berkshire DA: Victim Impact Statement
What you need for Berkshire DA: Victim Impact Statement
Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 258B, section 3(p), as a victim of a crime you have the right to offer a verbal or written statement to the court after the defendant has been found guilty at trial or has admitted to sufficient facts. This statement is referred to as a "Victim Impact Statement".
A Victim Impact Statement affords the victim an opportunity to address the court prior to sentencing and provides the court with essential information including the physical, emotional and/or financial impact the crime has had on you, which leads to appropriate sentences and suitable restitution.
A Victim Impact Statement can be written or oral and can be offered to the court by the victim, a family member or the Assistant District Attorney
You should know that even if you choose not to make a victim impact statement, the Assistant District Attorney handling the case will make a sentencing recommendation. They will consider, amongst other things, your feelings about the case. For that reason, the Assistant District Attorney or Victim Assistance Advocate will be contacting you about your feelings regarding the pending case.
Questions about how to prepare a victim impact statement or about the time and place of sentencing should be addressed to the advocate or prosecutor.
How to submit Berkshire DA: Victim Impact Statement
You may present your Victim Impact Statement to the Court in either of two ways:
1. You may stand and address the court with an oral statement.
2. You may submit a written statement and ask the Assistant District Attorney to read it for you.
Any concerns or questions you may have should be addressed to the Victim Advocate or Assistant District Attorney.
Contact for Berkshire DA: Victim Impact Statement
Open Monday - Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Open Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:00pm