Office of Public Safety and Inspections, Division of Occupational Licensure
Open Mon. - Fri., 8:45 am - 5:00 pm
The Details of File a complaint against an OPSI licensee
What you need for File a complaint against an OPSI licensee
Fill out and submit the right form for the type of complaint you’re making:
- Use a General Complaint form to file a complaint against a person licensed by OPSI who does not hold a construction supervisor or elevator contractor license
- If possible, state the Massachusetts General Laws and\or Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) that were violated
- Use a Construction Supervisor License (CSL) Complaint form to file a complaint against someone with a CSL
- All complaints must include a statement that a CSL holder has violated at least one part of the Massachusetts State Building Code (780 CMR)
- Use a Registered Elevator Contractor Complaint form to file a complaint against someone with an elevator contractor license
- All complaints must include a statement that a registered elevator contractor has violated at least one part of M.G.L. c. 143 or the Massachusetts Elevator Regulations found at 524 CMR 1.00 et seq.
- Use the Building Official Complaint form to file a complaint against someone with a Building Official license.
For all forms and complaints, please note the following:
- All parts of the form must be completed. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed and will be returned.
Not all complaints result in a hearing. You will be notified in writing of any hearings scheduled for the person named in your complaint.
You will not receive money for filing a complaint
Your complaint may result in disciplinary action against the license of the person named in your complaint
Include any additional documents you would like reviewed as part of your complaint. Examples include:
Copies of cancelled checks or receipts for payments to the licensee
A copy of a contract
Copies of any relevant court judgments or documents
Copies of any correspondence with the licensee, or any other party, regarding the contract or the complaint
How to file File a complaint against an OPSI licensee
To file a complaint electronically, visit our online portal.
Mail completed forms and documents to:
Office of Public Safety and Inspections
1000 Washington St, Suite 710
Boston, MA 02118
Downloads for File a complaint against an OPSI licensee
Contact for File a complaint against an OPSI licensee
Open Mon. - Fri., 8:45 am - 5:00 pm