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- This page, Find a job with MassHire JobQuest, is offered by
- MassHire Department of Career Services
- Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
- Department of Unemployment Assistance
Find a job with MassHire JobQuest
MassHire JobQuest Help Desk
The Details of Find a job with MassHire JobQuest
What you need for Find a job with MassHire JobQuest
MassHire JobQuest is a free online service that allows you to search jobs. You can simply search jobs, or you can create an account and register with MassHire JobQuest to save your job searches and more.
To create an account you will need:
- A MyMassGov account (starting January 21, 2025)
- Your Social Security number
- Your date of birth
- Your zip code
How to find Find a job with MassHire JobQuest
You can find jobs In Massachusetts with MassHire JobQuest, a free online service.
If you want to create an account, go to the MassHire JobQuest registration page and follow the prompts. You will be asked for your:
- MyMassGov account (starting January 21, 2025)
- Social Security number
- Date of birth
- Zip code
More info for Find a job with MassHire JobQuest
After registering on MassHire JobQuest you will be able to:
- Match your skills and experience to current job openings
- Create a MassHire JobMatch profile that's visible to hiring employers
- Upload your resume
- Find recruitments and job fairs near you
- Search for MassHire Career Center events
- Locate job training programs in your region