MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

Any person proposing to plant, grow, harvest, or process Industrial Hemp in Massachusetts must obtain a license issued by the Department of Agricultural Resources. License applications are available between December 1 - April 30.
Most people hear back 3-4 weeks after submitting their application.

MA Hemp Program

The Details   of MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

What you need   for MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

To submit an Industrial Hemp License application, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Review the Hemp Production Regulation (330 CMR 32.00) and the 2024 Hemp Processor Policy to understand the program requirements, risks and additional considerations.
  2. Review the United States Department of Agriculture Final Rule for U.S. Domestic Hemp Production 
  3. Download, complete, and sign the appropriate application form. There are three types, see below. 
  4. Provide a map for each growing and/or processing site. See instructions in Downloads section of this page. 
  5. If you are applying for a Producer or Dual License, provide a FBI Identity History Summary Report for each Individual Applicant and/or Key Participant current to within 60 days of your application submission. FBI reports may be obtained via this page from the Federal Bureau of Investigations and should be included with your application: Processor-only applicants are not required to submit a FBI report. For more information on obtaining your FBI report, please see the guidance document in Downloads section of this page. 
  6. Submit a $100 application fee by check or money order, payable to "Commonwealth of Massachusetts."

Table 1. Hemp License Applications and Associated Fees

Application Type

Application Fee (non-refundable)

License Fee

Producer (Grower)






Dual Producer/Processor



How to apply   MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

Between 12/1 - 4/30, you can send your application along with the $100 non-refundable application fee to:

MDAR Hemp Program
225 Turnpike Road; Room 302
Southborough, MA 01772

More info   for MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

Hemp license applications are available from December 1 - April 30. To be notified when license applications are available, please sign up for the MDAR Hemp Program mailing list: 

Downloads   for MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

Contact   for MA Industrial Hemp Program Licensing

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