Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

Learn how to register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state in Massachusetts under the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act (UAGPPJA).

Probate and Family Court locations

The Details   of Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

What you need   for Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

For both guardianship and conservatorship orders, notice must be given to the appointing court that you intend to register the order in Massachusetts. Counsel can be appointed for the incapacitated/protected person if requested or if the judge orders it.

For guardianship orders

If a guardian has been appointed in another state and a petition for appointment of guardian isn't pending in Massachusetts, the guardian can, after giving notice to the appointing court that they intend to register, register the out-of-state guardianship order by filing certified copies of the order, letters of office, and bond, if any, as a foreign judgment.

For conservatorship orders

If a conservator has been appointed in another state and a petition for appointment of conservator isn't pending in Massachusetts, the conservator can, after giving notice to the appointing court that they intend to register, register the out-of-state conservatorship order by filing certified copies of the order, letters of office, and bond, if any, as a foreign judgment.

Fees   for Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

There is a fee to register a Conservatorship Order/Decree, but no fee to register a Guardianship Order/Decree.

Name Fee Unit
Registration fee for a Conservatorship Order/Decree $75 each

How to register   Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

  • For guardianship orders — File in the division of the Probate and Family Court where an original proceeding could be filed.
  • For conservatorship orders — File in the division of the Probate and Family Court where the protected person’s property is.

More info   for Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

Once orders are registered from another state, a guardian or conservator who is a Massachusetts resident can exercise all powers authorized in the order of appointment, except any that aren’t allowed under Massachusetts laws. If the guardian or conservator isn't a Massachusetts resident, they are also subject to conditions for nonresidents.

Contact   for Register a guardianship or conservatorship order from another state

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