- This page, Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Children & Families
Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter
Report Child Abuse
Call to report child abuse and neglect.
The Details of Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter
What you need for Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter
Mandated reporters must immediately call the DCF area office that serves the city or town where the child lives to report child abuse or neglect. Nights, weekends, and holidays please call the Child-at-Risk Hotline at (800)792-5200. After calling, mandated reporters must submit a written report within 48 hours.
Professionals like teachers, nurses, or police officers whose work brings them in contact with children are mandated reporters. If you don't know if you are a mandated reporter, see the Mandated Reporter Guide.
Online reporting option available:
After calling, the written report and supporting documentation can be submitted online. Before submitting, you will need to create or update your Virtual Gateway user account using the "online" option below to get access to the DCF Partner Services application. See the training video on Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect for instructions. The written follow-up report can also be submitted via fax or mail.
How to report Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter
Mandated reporters only: After you've called to report the suspected child abuse or neglect, please select the appropriate link below to submit a written report to the DCF area office that serves the city or town where the child lives.
- First time submitting an online written abuse/neglect report? Click here to begin.
- Not the first time submitting an online abuse/neglect written report? Click here to begin.
Fax the completed Child Abuse Reporting Form to the DCF area office that serves the city or town where the child lives.
Mail the completed Child Abuse Reporting Form to the DCF area office that serves the city or town where the child lives.
Downloads for Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter
Contact for Report child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter
Call to report child abuse and neglect.