- This page, Submit a Story Behind the Name, is offered by
- Garden of Peace
- Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance
Submit a Story Behind the Name
Garden of Peace
MOVA and the Garden of Peace are currently working remotely. We will return your voicemail upon receiving it.
The Details of Submit a Story Behind the Name
Submission Guidelines for Submit a Story Behind the Name
The Garden of Peace invites family member survivors to submit a Story Behind the Name focusing on who your loved one was. In doing this, you remember them and in a small way, others get to know them.
Consider using the questions below to help you tell your loved one’s story.
- What would you like others to know about them?
- What/who did they like/love/enjoy?
- What/who made them happy?
- What/who was important to them?
- What were their dreams?
- What is their legacy?
- What is a special memory you or others have of them?
- What do you miss most about them?
- What was/is the impact of your loss?
Please note: Only stories and photos for homicide victims memorialized in the Garden of Peace will be posted on the website. Stories are limited in size and subject to edits, which will be discussed with you before posting. Stories Behind the Names are provided by victims' families. MOVA is not responsible for views expressed in the content. If someone other than the person who submitted the original application for engraving submits the Story, we will obtain consent from the original applicant when possible.
How to submit Submit a Story Behind the Name
Please use this form to submit your story and/or photo online. We are able to provide the Stories Behind the Name Form in other languages if needed. It is available in Spanish in the "By mail" section below. Please contact gardenofpeace@mass.gov if you need it in another language.
Stories are limited in size and may be subject to edits. We will contact you to confirm receipt of your story and discuss any edits with you before posting. If someone other than the person who submitted the original application for engraving submits the Story, we will obtain consent from the original applicant when possible.
Please download, complete, and mail or email the below Stories Behind the Names Form. We are able to translate the Stories Behind the Name Form into additional languages if needed. Please contact gardenofpeace@mass.gov if you need it in another language.
Stories Behind the Names Form English
Stories Behind the Names Form Spanish
Stories should be limited to approximately 300 words—a couple paragraphs or ¼ page. Stories may be subject to editing. Please consider including a photograph. If someone other than the person who submitted the original application for engraving submits the Story, we will obtain consent from the original applicant when possible.
Mail it to MOVA/Garden of Peace, One Ashburton Pl., Suite 1310, Boston MA 02108. If you mail a photo, please provide your address for its return.
Email it to gardenofpeace@mass.gov.
We will contact you to confirm receipt of your story and discuss any edits with you before posting.
Tell your story to a MOVA/Garden of Peace staff person, who will write it for you to review. Call 617-586-1369.
Stories are limited in size and may be subject to edits. If someone other than the person who submitted the original application for engraving submits the Story, we will obtain consent from the original applicant when possible.
Posted Stories Behind the Names for Submit a Story Behind the Name
To find a Story Behind the Name already posted, go to Stories Behind the Name.
You can also find a Story Behind the Name already posted on Commemorated Victims. Names in blue bold indicate a Story Behind the Name has been posted. Click on the name to read their story.
Contact for Submit a Story Behind the Name
MOVA and the Garden of Peace are currently working remotely. We will return your voicemail upon receiving it.