Important Changes

Important Changes  Announcement: Mandatory attorney eFiling in miscellaneous (MISC) and permit session (PS) cases

Date: 02/21/2024
Referenced Sources: Land Court Standing Order 2-23

To: Land Court Attorney Filers

From: Land Court Recorder’s Office

Table of Contents


Please take note and prepare accordingly. Pursuant to updated Land Court Standing Order 2-23, effective May 1, 2024, the Land Court will introduce mandatory electronic filing (“eFiling”) for attorneys in the Miscellaneous (MISC) case type and the Permit Session (PS) case type. Except where allowed by Land Court Standing Order 1-23, attorneys must submit all Miscellaneous and Permit Session filings, including all new case initiations, online through the eFiling Provider’s system ( Attorney filings for these case types (other than courtesy copies and filings allowed by Standing Order 1-23) will no longer be accepted in paper at the Recorder’s Office or via mail.

Electronic filing will remain optional for self-represented litigants. Self-represented litigants may choose to electronically file their documents with the Land Court by registering through the eFiling Provider’s system ( or may submit their filings to the court in paper at the Recorder’s Office or via mail.

To electronically file with the Land Court, attorneys must register with the eFiling Provider individually or as a firm and provide their primary business e-mail address on file with the Board of Bar Overseers. Attorneys must familiarize themselves with the following court rules and standing orders:

Links to these rules and standing orders, training information and videos, as well as detailed information about eFiling in the Land Court is available at the Land Court’s eFiling webpage.

The Land Court will host two, public drop-in Zoom sessions to provide training, assist with registering accounts, and answer any questions related to eFiling in the Land Court. The Zoom sessions will be held on April 12th and April 19th from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. There is no registration necessary to attend. To join, please use the Zoom meeting link listed below: 

Downloads   for Announcement: Mandatory attorney eFiling in miscellaneous (MISC) and permit session (PS) cases

Referenced Sources:

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