2018 Municipal Firefighter Exam

The application for the exam is closed.

For Military Candidates, you will need to read the Military Makeup Exam Instructions.

Find key dates and resources for the previous entry-level exam.

Key Dates for the Firefighter Exam

Written Examination Date: March 24, 2018
Application Deadline: February 7, 2018*
Notices to Appear for Written Exam Emailed: March 9, 2018
Notices to Appear for ELPAT Emailed: Started late April throughout the summer

Score Release Date: October 30, 2018
Employment/Experience (E/E) Last Day to Appeal: November 16, 2018
Eligible List Established Date: December 1, 2018

Eligibility:    Entry-level, open to public
Location:    Various Sites across the state
Examination Fee:    $200*
* There is an additional $50 late fee for applications received after February 7, 2018. Applications will NOT be accepted after February 21, 2018.

Note: Candidates must take and pass written and ELPAT to receive a final score.
This examination consists of two components which make up your total score; a written examination 50% and an entry-level physical abilities test (ELPAT) 50%.

Next Steps

1. Employment/Experience (E/E) Last Day to Appeal: November 16, 2018

You may request a review of the marking of your employment and/or experience (E/E).   This request, which must be made in writing, should be sent to civilservice@mass.gov with the subject E/E Review.   Your email request must be received no later than seventeen (17) calendar days after the notice date.  

No new claim(s) may be submitted at this time, and only additional, clarifying information specific to a claim made within seven (7) days of the date of the examination will be reviewed. Your request for review must include specific information about all (E/E) to be credited.  Include supporting documentation as directed in the original (E/E) instructions. 

Please indicate the title of the examination, your personal ID, and a daytime telephone number in your request.  Please note that all requests must be made in writing. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted. 

How to select additional employment locations

2. Eligible List: December 1, 2018

When the eligible list is established you will be able to view your rank on the list.

The application for the exam is closed. The Civil Service unit holds a Firefighter exam usually every other year.

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