About the Task Force
EEA’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Task Force is composed of staff that serve as EJ points of contact representing each EEA agency and office, in accordance with the requirements of EEA's Environmental Justice Policy. The Task Force is developing a Secretariat-wide EJ Strategy to promote environmental, energy and climate justice across the Commonwealth in ways that are tailored to each EEA Agency’s mission. The EJ Strategy will guide EEA agencies and offices in how to appropriately integrate environmental, energy and climate justice considerations into policies, programs and strategies.
Environmental Justice Policy & Executive Order 552
EEA Environmental Justice Policy (updated June 2021)
The Environmental Justice Policy is updated with the following (1)Secretary Kathleen Theoharides’ signature,(2)the new statutorily-required definition of ‘Environmental Justice Population’ adopted in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Acts of 2021: “An Act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy,” and (3) the provision of a process by which some neighborhoods may be included or excluded from such definition. This policy and the new definition of EJ Population shall be adopted by all EEA agencies and will remain in effect until formally amended by a EJ Policy-mandated review and full public participation process.
Executive Order on Environmental Justice (E.O. No.552)
The Executive Order 552 was issued on November 25th, 2014 requiring the Secretariat to take action in promoting environmental justice.
Additional Resources
Contact Us & Sign-up
Task Force Agency Leads
Please contact the appropriate individuals with questions or comments regarding energy or environmental issues in your neighborhood. We are eager to hear from you, and we will endeavor to respond promptly to specific inquiries.
Sign-up for EJ Updates and Notices
If you or your organization wish to receive emails from EEA and its agencies announcing events and opportunities for community engagement, please fill out this form. Please specify which areas of energy, climate or environmental policy are of special interest to you.