The Mass in Motion Working on Wellness Program is an evidence based toolkit that employers could use to implement worksite wellness programs.
For more information on this 7 step planning process, download the Worksite Wellness Toolkit (Doc).
Success stories at work
Learn how other businesses have successfully implemented worksite wellness programs:
- Read how the Family Service Association (Doc) reduced employee turnover rates with wellness activities and policies at work.
- Read how the Massachusetts Department of Corrections (Doc) increased use of their onsite exercise facilities and boosted workplace morale.
- Learn how the Massachusetts Hospital Association (Doc) brings organic produce into the office and created a “stress-free zone” for employee health.
- Read how the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Doc) encouraged a 3.5% decrease in employee’s weight with lunch ’n learns, a new gym, and weight loss programs.
For more information on the Mass in Motion Working on Wellness Program, contact MassInMotion@State.MA.US.