Age-Friendly Massachusetts

Creating communities where we can grow up and grow old together.

Table of Contents

What does the term “Age-Friendly” mean?

Age-Friendly describes a movement to make communities more welcoming and livable for older residents and people of all ages. It describes efforts we can take together to create places where people can grow up and grow old together. AARP has identified eight areas for communities throughout the country to focus on improving:

  1. Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
5.  Respect & Social Inclusion
  1. Transportation
6.  Civic Participation & Employment
  1. Housing
7.  Communication & Information
  1. Social Participation
8.  Community & Health Service

Becoming Age-Friendly Massachusetts

Massachusetts joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities in 2018, and in 2019, unveiled the Age-Friendly Massachusetts Action Plan to amplify, align, and coordinate local, regional, and statewide efforts to create a welcoming and more livable Commonwealth for residents of all ages. Since then, more than 200 communities in Massachusetts already are working on age- and dementia-friendly initiatives, including earning the Age-Friendly designation and/or signing a Dementia Friendly Pledge.

This year, Massachusetts is working to refresh the plan to guide the state’s age- and dementia-friendly actions for the next 5-10 years. To ensure community input is incorporated into the refreshed plan, the Executive Office of Aging & Independence will co-host multiple listening sessions around the Commonwealth to hear more from communities on how to strengthen Massachusetts’ age- and dementia-friendly work.  We want to understand how your priorities have changed in the last 5 years, how you have contributed to your communities’ efforts to support positive aging, and what large actions or policies you think will support people to age well in our communities in the future.

Tracking Age-Friendly Progress

Each year, the Executive Office of Aging & Independence releases a progress report, outlining the strides the Commonwealth has made to becoming more age- and dementia-friendly.

In 2023, the Agency released the podcast, ReiMAgine Aging, as the year four progress report. The podcast highlights local efforts that make Massachusetts a great place to grow up and grow older together. Each episode takes listeners to different Massachusetts communities that are delivering unique and innovative age- and dementia-friendly programs. ReiMAgine Aging is available to stream on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the links below:

ReiMAgine Aging was produced in partnership with the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative (MHAC) with funding from Point32Health Foundation

Why is it important for Massachusetts to become Age-Friendly?

Massachusetts has always been a leader in providing services and support to older residents. Today, we have more residents over the age of 60 than under the age of 20, and this growing population of older people offers an opportunity to develop new ways to help residents age and thrive in the places where they live, work and volunteer.

Is Age-Friendly just about helping older people?

No, age-friendly communities are more welcoming and livable for people of all ages.  When we help an older person continue to live, work, and volunteer in our communities, we all benefit from their energy, experience and contributions. As we grow older, we want to be able to live as independently as we can, in cities and towns where our contributions are respected and valued and our changing needs are supported.

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