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- This page, Approved Shelter and Rescue Organizations, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Approved Shelter and Rescue Organizations
IMPORT LICENSE: A license issued to shelters and rescues who are allowed to import dogs and cats originating from outside of the Commonwealth. The licensee is required to transport imported dogs and cats directly to a Massachusetts Isolation Facility. Shelters and rescues holding an import license may also conduct the same activities permitted under a Local License.
LOCAL LICENSE: Those organizations who have been issued a Local License may accept and adopt dogs and cats originating from within the Commonwealth as well as dogs and cats surrendered by their owners who reside in New England States or New York. Owner surrendered dogs and cats from New England States and New York must be transported into Massachusetts by their owner and be surrendered to the licensed rescue in Massachusetts. Owner surrenders do not include dogs or cats transported into Massachusetts by any rescue, shelter, or third-party transporter.
Rescues dealing in species other than dogs and cats operate under a Local License and may import animals in accordance with all applicable laws pertaining to the species the shelter or rescue deals in.
License No. | Licensed Shelter or Rescue | Business Location | License Type | |
142 | 4 Paws Stronger, Inc. | MA | Import | publics20.lm@gmail.com |
355 | 4 Precious Paws Rescue Inc. | MA | Local | 4PreciousPawsRescueIncMa@gmail.com |
254 | 22Mohawks Corp | MA | Import | dave@22mohawks.com |
313 | A Home for Weary Wanderers | MA | Local | ppdwalking12@gmail.com |
86 | A Place For Ace | MA | Import | admin@aplaceforace.org |
60 | Ahimsa Haven Animal Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | info@ahimsahaven.org |
184 | All Dog Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | info@alldogrescue.org |
58 | All Sentient Beings | MA | Local | wishfulwhiskers2017@gmail.com |
71 | American Lab Rescue, Inc. | CT | Import | info@americanlabrescue.com |
62 | Angels Helping Animals Worldwide | MA | Import | angelshelpinganimalsmv@gmail.com |
57 | Animal Protection Center Of Southeastern Massachusetts, Inc. | MA | Import | k.heise@apcsm.org |
54 | Animal Rescue Front, Inc. | MA | Import | chris@animalrescuefront.org |
221 | Animal Rescue League of Boston | MA | Import | edoyle@arlboston.org |
70 | Animal Rescue League Of Fall River | MA | Import | john@arlfr.org |
200 | Animal Rescue Merrimack Valley, Inc. | MA | Local | christenharrison@yahoo.com |
99 | Animal Rescue Of New England | RI | Import | info@arne-ri.org |
56 | Animal Shelter Of Martha'S Vineyard | MA | Local | ldawley@animalshelterofmv.org |
64 | Animal Shelter, Inc. | MA | Import | leigh13@ix.netcom.com |
26 | As Sweet As A Peach Animal Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | assweetasapeachanimalrescue@gmail.com |
443 | Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Association | PA | Import | treasurer@acdra.org |
63 | Bay State Animal Cooperative, Inc. | MA | Local | info@baystateanimals.org |
213 | Baypath Humane Society of Hopkinton, Inc. | MA | Import | ejefferis@baypathhumane.org |
91 | Berkshire Humane Society | MA | Import | jperreault@berkshirehumane.org |
92 | Better Together Dog Rescue | MA | Import | bettertogetherdogrescue@gmail.com |
90 | Big Wave Dog Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | info@bigwavedogrescue.com |
202 | Black Feather Horse Rescue Inc. | MA | Local | dcn@blackfeatherhorserescue.org |
66 | Blind Dog Rescue Alliance Inc | MA | Local | treasurer@blinddogrescue.com |
50 | Bnrs Rock N Rescue | MA | Import | rescue@bark-n-roll.com |
53 | Boston'S Forgotten Felines, Inc. | MA | Local | cindy@bostonsforgottenfelines.org |
447 | Black Cat Rescue | MA | Local | info@blackcatrescue.com |
139 | Broken Tail Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | info@brokentailrescue.org |
42 | Brown Dog Coalition And Rescue | MA | Import | adoptions@browndogcoalition.com |
257 | Bruno Project Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | info@brunoprojectrescue.org |
52 | Buddy And Friends Animal Rescue | MA | Import | adoptions@buddyandfriendsma.org |
67 | Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc. | MA | Import | info@buddydoghs.org |
74 | Bullied Breeds Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | info@bulliedbreedsrescue.org |
102 | Cape Ann Animal Aid Association, Inc. | MA | Import | info@capeannanimalaid.org |
114 | Carrie A. Seaman Animal Shelter Casas | MA | Local | casas4rescue@comcast.net |
196 | Cat Canton Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | angelpiecakes@yahoo.com |
128 | Cat Life Rescue | MA | Local | catliferescue@gmail.com |
228 | Cat Rescue of Marlborough and Hudson | MA | Import | info@carmah.org |
204 | Cenla Alliance for Animals Inc | LA | Import | cenlaallianceforanimals@gmail.com |
203 | Central New England Equine Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | windybleu@gmail.com |
115 | Chance Of A Lifetime Dachshund Rescue | MA | Import | niccar14@yahoo.com |
68 | Changing Tomorrow Animal Rescue, Inc. | FL | Import | changingtomorrowanimalrescue@gmail.com |
85 | Clover Creek Sanctuary, Inc. | MA | Local | clovercreekcritters@gmail.com |
339 | Coastal Cat Rescue | MA | Local | info@coastalcatrescue.org |
220 | Community Cat Connection, Inc. | MA | Local | info@ccatconnect.org |
326 | Cornerstone Farm and Rescue | MA | Local | roj95@aol.com |
205 | Crops and Flops Rescue, Inc | MA | Local | info@cropsandflopsrescue.org |
105 | Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society Dba Dakin Humane Society | MA | Import | springfield@dakinhumane.org |
83 | Dawgs Fight Back, Inc. | NH | Import | info@dawgsfightback.com |
179 | Dog Orphans Humane Society | MA | Import | info@dogorphans.com |
330 | East Coast Canine Rescue, Inc | CT | Import | eastcoastcaninerescueinc@gmail.com |
345 | Eddie's Ranch, Inc. | MA | Local | lisamattuchio@gmail.com |
65 | Ella's Feline Rescue Mission | MA | Local | ellasfelinerescuemission@gmail.com |
88 | Ellen M. Gifford Sheltering Home Corp | MA | Import | giffordcats@giffordcatshelter.org |
333 | Family Paws Rescue | MA | Import | luzCarlson@outlook.com |
119 | Fine Feline Cat Rescue | MA | Local | finefelinecatrescue@gmail.com |
256 | Fitchburg Friends of Felines, Inc. | MA | Local | fitchburgfriendsoffelines@gmail.com |
137 | Forest Guardians Animal Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | forestguardiansanimalrescue@gmail.com |
218 | Forever Home Rescue New England | MA | Import | foreverhomerescue@gmail.com |
180 | Forever Paws Animal Shelter | MA | Import | asilva@foreverpaws.com |
174 | Forgotten Angels Shelter Inc. | MA | Local | info@forgottenangelsshelter.org |
236 | Friends of the Attleboro Animal Shelter | MA | Local | attleboropets@hotmail.com |
209 | Friends of Beverly Animals, Inc. | MA | Local | dsajill1@yahoo.com |
107 | Friends Of Eleanor Sonsini Animal Shelter | MA | Local | staff@sonsinianimalshelter.org |
183 | Friends of Falmouth Dogs, Inc. | MA | Import | info@friendsoffalmouthdogs.org |
136 | Friends Of The Franklin County Regional Dog Shelter, Inc. | MA | Local | fcsodogshelter@gmail.com |
274 | Friends of Marblehead's Abandoned Animals | MA | Local | marbleheadanimalshelter44@gmail.com |
207 | Friends of the Plymouth Pound, Inc. | MA | Local | fppcats1@gmail.com |
219 | Friends of the Scituate Shelter, Inc. | MA | Local | info@scituateanimalshelter.org |
125 | From Alone To Home Rescue | MA | Import | admin@fromalonetohomerescue.org |
117 | Furever Homes For Felines, Inc. | MA | Local | fureverhomesforfelines@gmail.com |
28 | Furget Me Not Inc. | MA | Local | unfurget@gmail.com |
36 | Gals Best Pal | MA | Import | team@galsbestpal.com |
300 | Golden Huggs Rescue | VT | Import | brigitteritchie@gmavt.net |
283 | German Shepherd Rescue of New England | MA | Import | tmccall488@aol.com |
49 | Great Dog Rescue Ne, Inc. | MA | Import | info@gdrne.com |
127 | Greyhound Friends Inc. | MA | Import | info@greyhound.org |
24 | Greyhound Pets Of America, MA | MA | Import | schumitzd@battelle.org |
101 | Greyhound Rescue of N.E., Inc. | MA | Import | ADOPT@GREYHOUNDRESCUENE.ORG |
275 | GSP Rescue NE | MA | Import | clong@gsprescuene.org |
111 | Guardian Angels Cat Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | guardianangelscatrescue@gmail.com |
108 | Guinea Pig Sanctuary | MA | Local | guinea-pig-sanctuary@comcast.net |
80 | Habitat For Cats No Kill Shelter, Inc. | MA | Local | habitatforcats.ma@gmail.com |
329 | Halfway Home Cat Rescue Inc. | MA | Local | halfwayhomecatrescueinc@gmail.com |
22 | Handsome Dan's Rescue For Pit Bull Type Dogs | RI | Import | heather@obhounds.com |
55 | Happy Life Beagle Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | info@happylifebeaglerescue.org |
135 | Hearts4Paws Inc | MA | Local | hearts4paws@outlook.com |
215 | Here Today Adopted Tomorrow Animal Sanctuary Inc | MA | Local | smudge@heretodaysanctuary.org |
353 | Hull Seaside Animal Rescue, Inc | MA | Local | info@hsar.org |
222 | Hope Haven Pet Rescue | MA | Import | emily@hopehavenpetrescue.org |
126 | House Rabbit Network | MA | Local | info@rabbitnetwork.org |
25 | Humane Society & Shelter - SouthCoast - Animal Rescue League of New Bedford | MA | Import | Mventura6089@comcast.net |
106 | In Honeys Memory Adult Cat Shelter | MA | Local | floures1@msn.com |
237 | Ipswich Humane Group Inc | MA | Local | ipswichhumanegroup@gmail.com |
118 | It'S All About The Animals, Inc. | MA | Local | ohnokitty1@gmail.com |
98 | Jacks Galore, Inc. | MA | Local | jacksgalore@gmail.com |
235 | Joyful Pets Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | lauren@joyfulpets.org |
265 | Kitty Connection, Inc. | MA | Local | kc@kittyconnection.net |
113 | Korean K9 Rescue, Inc. | NY | Import | info@koreank9rescue.org |
141 | Labs4Rescue, Inc. | CT | Import | info@labs4rescue.org |
43 | Ladybug Cat Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | ladybugcats@outlook.com |
151 | Last Hope K9 Rescue | MA | Import | maurat@lasthopek9.org |
134 | Legacy Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | egray@legacyrescue.org |
46 | Little Bear Stables, Inc. | MA | Local | littlebearstables@gmail.com |
229 | Little Oldies | MA | Local | erin@littleoldies.org |
281 | Little Paws Dachshund Rescue | CT | Local | fosternorth@littlepawsdr.org |
391 | Loveless Dog and Horse Rescue | AL | Import | loveless-farm@hotmail.com |
233 | Lowell Humane Society | MA | Local | info@lowellhumanesociety.org |
294 | Lucky Horse Equine Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | KCieslak@lemaitre.com |
357 | Massachusetts Feline Intervention Alliance Inc. | MA | Local | cats@mafiacatgroup.org |
156 | Massachusetts Humane Society, Inc. | MA | Local | masshumane@aol.com |
170 | Massachusetts Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals | MA | Import | apdadmin@mspca.org |
214 | Milford Humane Society, Inc. | MA | Local | bfcat@aol.com |
160 | Medfield Animal Shelter | MA | Local | info@medfieldshelter.com |
247 | Melrose Humane Society | MA | Local | lynnmercier@msn.com |
187 | Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society | MA | Local | info@mrfrs.org |
286 | MetroWest Humane Society, Inc. | MA | Local | mwhspaw@yahoo.com |
252 | Moby Kit Rescue | MA | Local | mobykitrescue@gmail.com |
198 | Mutt Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | muttrescueofmassachusetts@gmail.com |
258 | Nantucket Safe Harbor for Animals | MA | Import | info@nishanimals.org |
159 | National Brussels Griffon Rescue, Inc | MA | Local | conniel@andell.com |
176 | National Great Pyrenees Rescue | CT | Import | director@nationalpyr.org |
234 | NEADY Cats Corp | MA | Local | tweety7437@charter.net |
423 | Never Give Up Animal Rescue | MA | Import | info@nguar.org |
149 | New England Equine Rescue North, Inc. | MA | Local | mary.martin@neernorth.org |
195 | New England Herpetological Society | MA | Local | neherp@neherp.com |
112 | New England Old English Sheepdog Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | placement@neoesr.org |
154 | New England Brittany Rescue | MA | Import | lynch030904@yahoo.com |
75 | New Hope Rescue, Inc. | AL | Import | nhrescueinc@gmail.com |
440 | No Mutts Left Behind, inc | MA | Local | nomuttsleftbehind@gmail.com |
331 | No Paws Left Behind, Inc. | MA | Local | board@nopawsleftbehindas.org |
182 | Norfolk County Humane Society, Inc. | MA | Local | helynspierdowis@gmail.com |
166 | Northeast Coonhound Rescue | MA | Import | alambertus99@gmail.com |
230 | Northeast Pyr Rescue Inc. | MA | Local | nepyresq@nepyresq.org |
231 | Off the Rocks Animal Rescue, Inc | MA | Import | offtherocksrescue@gmail.com |
285 | PALS Animal Life Savers | MA | Local | sandy@palscats.org |
232 | Pat Brody Shelter for Cats, Inc. | MA | Import | pbs@catsontheweb.org |
152 | Paw-Affection Dachshund Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | pawaffectionrescue@gmail.com |
76 | Pawfect Life Rescue | MA | Import | julie.pawfect@gmail.com |
103 | Paws & Pets & Prayers Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | pawspetsprayers@gmail.com |
104 | Paws And Claws Rescue Humane Society For Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals | AR | Import | hmnichols@yahoo.com |
143 | Paws For Love International, Inc. | NH | Import | pawsinternational.inc@gmail.com |
162 | Paws New England | MA | Import | joanne@pawsnewengland.com |
178 | Peace For All Animals, Inc. | MA | Local | peaceforponys@aol.com |
226 | People for Cats | MA | Import | annelee40@comcast.net |
206 | Pibbles & More Animal Rescue Inc | MA | Import | pibblesrus33@gmail.com |
155 | PittieLove Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | info@pittieloverescue.org |
181 | Project Spay, Inc. | MA | Local | projectspayrescue@gmail.com |
168 | Protection Of Animals In Wakefield Society, Inc. (Paws) | MA | Local | paws01880@gmail.com |
35 | Quincy Animal Shelter, Inc. | MA | Local | director@quincyanimalshelter.org |
48 | Rescue Inc | MA | Import | hello@rescueinc.dog |
290 | Ruff Tales Rescue Corporation | MA | Import | amandas@rufftalesrescue.org |
79 | Save A Dog, Inc. | MA | Import | shirley@saveadog.org |
177 | Save-A-Heartbeat Inc. | MA | Import | saveaheartbeat14@gmail.com |
327 | Safe Tails Animal Rescue Corp. | MA | Import | laurie@safetails.org |
259 | Safe With Us Animal Rescue | MA | Import | info@safewithusanimalrescue.org |
389 | Saving With Bria Inc. | MA | Import | bria@trainingwithbria.com |
272 | Sandy Paws Rescue | MA | Import | rescue@sandypawsmv.com |
284 | Second Wind Dog Rescue | MA | Import | secondwinddogrescue@gmail.com |
199 | Scargo Wags And Wiggles Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | sylvia@scargowagsandwiggles.com |
157 | Second Chance Animal Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | scarofmv@gmail.com |
147 | Second Chance Animal Services, Inc. | MA | Import | info@secondchanceanimals.org |
41 | Second Chance Stables & Draft Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | scsdrinfo@gmail.com |
122 | Senior Tales Animal Rescue, Inc. | MA | Local | waksteinjulie@gmail.com |
191 | Shultz's Guest House Services | MA | Import | info@sghrescue.org |
175 | South Shore Ferret Care A/K/A Fortunate Ferrets, Inc. | MA | Local | southshoreferretcare@comcast.net |
446 | South Shore Humane Society | MA | Local | south.shore.humane.society@gmail.com |
314 | Soulful Eyes Equine Rescue | MA | Local | sepants10@gmail.com |
144 | Standish Humane Society | MA | Import | standishhumane@comcast.net |
332 | Stray Pets In Need of Mass. Inc. | MA | Import | straypetsinneedofmass@gmail.com |
350 | Snuggle Stop Rescue, Inc | MA | Import | snugglestoprescue@gmail.com |
87 | Sunny Paws Rescue | MA | Import | info@sunnypawsrescue.org |
78 | Sweet Paws Rescue | MA | Import | cynthia@sweetpawsrescue.org |
146 | The Boxer Rescue, Inc. | MA | Import | lisa@theboxerrescue.org |
167 | The Cat Connection Rescue Shelter | MA | Import | garvangiltinan13@gmail.com |
31 | The Dog House K9 Rescue | MA | Import | sarahvholmes@gmail.com |
197 | The Underdog Connection | TX | Import | info@theunderdogconnection.org |
295 | Turtle Rescue League Inc. | MA | Local | natasha.n@turtlerescueleague.org |
132 | Unchain America, Inc. | MA | Local | robin@robinbudin.com |
44 | Vintage Pet Rescue | RI | Import | vintagepetrescue@gmail.com |
172 | Waiting Animals Getting Support | MA | Import | Hello@wagsforall.org |
291 | We Adopt Greyhounds, Inc | CT | Import | info@weadoptgreyhounds.org |
77 | Westfield Homeless Cat Project | MA | Local | denisesinico@hotmail.com |
169 | Woburn Feral Cat Coalition | MA | Local | woburncats@gmail.com |
348 | Worcester Animal Rescue League | MA | Local | kristin@worcesterarl.org |
165 | Yorkies Inc | MA | Local | cece820@aol.com |
171 | Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue | MA | Import | executivedirector@ygrr.org |